
Events leading up to the Declaration-Heinzman

  • 400

    Ancient Greece

    BC- Direct Democracy:
    They wanted their decision to be made by all the citizens and to work on a small scale. They wanted to give voices to the poor and the rich.
  • Nov 12, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John Made the three bad decision of Fighting with the pope, Raising Taxes, and tried to reduce the power of the barons. The document says to limit government, establish the rule of law, due to process law, and protect individual rights. This applied to nobles and landowners.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This document says its made a government based on the majority vote, and it was a social contract , which settlers agreed to follow the rules and regulation to survive. This applied to the 101 people on the Mayflower and it was temporary government designed to keep order.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    He believed that the government should protect the people. Also believed without government people were “nasty, brutish, and short.” Also he believes in the absolute monarchy.
  • English Bill of Rights

    This document says that it limits power of the monarchs, MAonarchs can act only with parliamentary consent, Expanded individual rights. This protects all English citizens.
  • John Locke

    Two Treaties on Government:
    He believes to that people were born with natural rights and could make their own government. But if the government did not protect their rights the citizen have the right to overthrow it, Also the government has to serve the people not the other way around.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    The Social Contract:
    Thought the only government was one freely formed by the people. Also he believed that all men were created equal. Also the Social Contract theory is used today.
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    On the Spirit of Laws:
    He believed that people should have seperation of powers. Also to have the 3 branches; Legislature, Judicial, and Executive Branch. He wanted this to prevent tyranny.
  • Cesare Beccaria

    On Crime and Punishment:
    He believes in the criminal law system. He believed in free will, rational manner, manipulability. Also he believed that people should have the will to make their own choices, have a rational manner and apply it toward making choices that will help them achieve their own personal gratification.
  • First Continental Congress

    It was a meeting. It was where the Parliament passed Intolerable acts and it Delegates from12 colonies. They met for 2 months. They sent a protest to King George II and they Refused to trade with Great Britain until all taxes regulations were repealed.
  • Second Continental Congress

    It delegated from all 13 colonies present and they all decided to declare independence after convincing by the document Commen Sense. They served as US government for 5 years.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The day that everyone is independent and it wont change. It was written by alot of people but Thomas Jeffererson mostly wrote it. Also the Congress finally passed it after rewriting all the drafts to make a final document.
  • Articles of Confederation

    This was a written agrrement that was ratified by the 13 colonies. It provided a legal symbol pf their union by giving the central governt no power over the states or their citizens.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Everyone was mad about the Article of Confederation so there started to be alot of violence in Massachusettes. Daniel Shays led an army full or angry farmers in Massachusetts, into the courthouse. The Congress didn't have an army so they used militia finaces by business to crush the rebeliion. This made the Americans think that we needed a stronger national government bc the Articles of Confederation made them to weak.
  • Philadelphia Convention

    Constitutional Convention:
    This was a gathering that helped write the Consitution of the United Sates. This convention made the branches Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Also all states were invited to this meeting.
  • Ancient Rome

    Want the citiznes to elect representativesto govern them. They wanted to have a Senate and tribune. The laws were written down in 450 BC to ensure all peroplsand government representatives follow them.