Events Leading Up to the Constution

  • Period: 400 to

    Events Leading up to the Constitution

  • 500

    Ancient Greece

    Had a direct democracy (decision making by all citizens). Worked on a small scale, gave voice to poor and rich alike, and emphasized civic participation.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    First document that rescricted King John's power. Also helped to protect rights of English Citizens.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Document was created and signde while on board the mayflower, and signed by its pasengers. It was created because the ship had to dock in an off site and they had to ceate their own goverment.
  • Leviathan (Thomas Hobbes)

    Concerns the structure of society and legit government. Argued for a social contract and absolute soverign.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    The second document restricting the power of the king, but was more centerd for the citizens rights. Set laws for paraliment and monarchy.
  • Two Treatise on Government (John Locke)

    Locke wrote acussing others theroys on government and denying them, saying how they wouldnt work. He futhermore diccsussed how to fix government and his theroy.
  • On The Spirit of Laws

    Was in favor of a consitutional system and seperation of powers. Also wanted to preserve civil liberties and end slavery.
  • The Social Contract (Jean-Jacques)

    Rousseau theorized the best way to establish a potical community to face commercial spciety. This document helped political reforms espically in europe.
  • Treatise on Tolerance (voltaire)

    Called for tolerance between religions, and targted religious fanaticism. After disptribution is was quickly banned.
  • On Crime and Punishment (csare beccaria)

    Got rid of the death penalty and torture. Influenced criminal justice and punishment of officers.
  • First Contetinetial Congress

    Delegates from 12 colonies met in philidephia for 2 months. Sent a protest to King George and refused to trade with britain.
  • Second Contintial Congress

    Delegates from all 13 colonies are present this time. Deciced to declare indepence after convincing from common sense.
  • Declaration Of Indepence

    Document was signed on what is now known as indenpence day to celebrate the United States gaining indpence from Britain. Gave the U.S. it's righta and freedom to be its own country.
  • Articles of Confderation

    It was the first written constitution for the U.S. It lacked central athority which led to some of the key points in the consitution.
  • consitutional convention

    Intended to fix the Articles of Confederation, but ended up creating a whole new government. Resulted in the writing of the consitution and became the most signifcant event in U.S, history.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty signed by reps of king George III and the U.S. Ended the revolututionary war between America and Britain.
  • Shays Rebellion

    Shays rebellion was an uprising due to state taxing for American Debt. The uprising was led by Daniel Shay and consisted of mainly farmers,
  • Ancient Rome

    Rebulic form of government, citizens elect representives. Had a senate and a tribune.