Events leading up to the constitution timEvents Leading up to the Constitutioneline

  • 500


    Was the First "government" and is called the first ever used government. people know more about and think that rome had the first main government but factually Greece did.
  • Period: 500 to

    Events Leading up to the Constitution

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was the first known written doucement written in latin. It showed how the Government in B.C how the governmentts were organized. This was not before the Rome or Greece thought
  • Mayflower Compact

    Witten by the "Saints" Fleeing from religious from the King of England, King James of England. Also stated that the people of Plymouth wouldn't pay and induce taxes on thier people with tarrifs from England.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes was a english philosopher that made the social contract theory that was the firm ground for most of the western political philosophy
  • John Locke

    An English Philosopher that made up the Liberal theory and thought they reflect from the Declaration of Independence. The concepts were indenty and self figurement
  • Bill Of Rights

    Were the first Ten admendments of the U.S. Promised a number of personal freedoms. It also limited the governments power in judical progressives.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Was a French Philosopher that believed in Social Contract which meant a huge cornerstone of the mdern politcal thought was created. He thought that private property was conventionally civil in a true society
  • Baron de montesquieu

    He had the theory of seperation of power. He also thought that the government should just have one big power or the that one power can try to make a differ country and it would spilt the nation.
  • Voltaire

    He was the one that believed that church and senated should be departed. He believed two other things. Those two things were freedom in exspression and freedom of religion.
  • Cesare Beccaria

    This guy was focuesed on crimes and punishment. He was the one commended for the death penalty and torture. He was know also for taking action as the punishments were influentical to the founding father.
  • Philadelphia Convention

    It was intened to revise the Articles of Confederation, but was made to make a new Constitution for the new government. this was used to find whether they should seperate all the power of the Executive to three people or just one president to control the power.
  • first contiental congress

    Is when 12 of the 13 delagates attended a event in which they talked about boycotting british products but wanted the british to help with the indians in the pre-owned land
  • second contiental congress

    Is when all the delagates from all 13 colonies came and met up to discuss and finshing up claiming the independance of their 13 colonies. Also they met up to discuss about the colonial war.
  • Decloration of Independance

    Is when the 13 delagates dec;ared that they were ready tp part their ways with Britan. The five of comittee already drafted a premade declaration
  • Articles of Confederation

    A paper that show that the 13 oringinal states were soveregin states. They also were stuggling with territortial promblems
  • Treaty of Paris

    This was the end of the Revolutionary War. Also was when the King of Britan, king George signed our independance from the country Britan and that is when we offical became free from a country milles away
  • Shays Rebellion

    Was an altering event in history wirh a man named Daneil Shay that tried to overtake the government because he disaggreed and brought Washington out of reitrement to help fix American democracy
  • Rome

    The Romans created a goverment that required people to select people represent them in a congress whic was a republic, Also called a representive gov.