Events leading up to the Constitution-Lorenz

  • 500

    Ancient Greece

    Ancient Greece created a Direct Democracy. Basis of New England town meetings.
  • Nov 6, 600


    The ancient romans created a new form of government. Called a Republic form of government in they had representatives with assembly.
  • Nov 11, 1215

    Magna Carta

    A government cannot do whatver it wants. It states what a king couldn't and could do.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Made a government based on the majority. It applied to all the people in the Mayflower.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Idea that government was an agreement between people and government. Believed that people without government had lives that were "nasty,brutish, and short"
  • John Locke

    Representative government is the only reasonable kind. He wrote that governments exist to serve the people.
  • English Bill of Rights

    Monarchs can act only with parlimentary consent. Right to bear arms and right to petition the king.
  • Rousseau

    Thought the only 'good' government was one good people of the government. All men are created equa
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    Proposed the serparation of powers. Seperation of powers-dividing government power among legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Legislative=Make laws
    Executive=enforce laws
    Judicial=Interept the laws
  • Voltaire

    Believed in the absolute value of freedom of speech. Believed men are equal.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Was to stop the war between France and Britian.
  • First continental congress

    Parliment was passed. Delegates from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia met for 2 months.
  • Second Conteinental congress

    Delegates from all 13 colonies are present. they decide to declare independence.
  • Declaration of independence

    The declaration of Independence was adopted
  • Shays' Rebellion

    A lot of angry farmers father stormed the courthouse, led by formal war hero Daniel Shays.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The new for of government. Some of the powers the government had was to make war and peace and send and recieve ambassadors. But they couldn't tax and they didn't have no executive and judicial.
  • Philadelphia Convention

    Congress called a meeting of delegates from all states to discuss problems with the Articles of Confederation in 178.
    They had to address slavery and strength of the federal government.