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Events Impacting US Education

  • Growth of Industry

    Growth of Industry
    Lucrative jobs for men were available leaving teaching vacancies open to female educators.  Same time as Common School Movement, also opening up teaching vacancies(Cushner, 2019) Women were considered to be "natural mothers," which meant they possessed the skills necessary to be "natural teachers" (Cushner, 2019) According to Cushner (2019), women worked for one-third of men's wages Event related to remaining high population of women educators in today's schools and lack of educator authority
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education

    Brown Vs. Board of Education
    Court case ruled that segregated schools were unconstitutional (violated the 14th amendment). Verdict overturned another popular court case's verdict, Plessy Vs. Ferguson, of upholding segregation with the term "separate, but equal." Ruling was a pivotal event during the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik 1 was the world's first artificial satellite that was successfully launched in to space in 1957 by the Soviet Union. Sputnik was considered a "wake-up" call for the United States. United States responded to Sputnik by signing the "National Defense Act" (1958). This act afforded 1 billion dollars to fund education, specifically science and technical education.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education act

    Elementary and Secondary Education act
    Developed because of President Johnson's "war on poverty." Developed with the mindset "equal access to quality education." This helped bring attention to students with special needs and students living in poverty. Distributed funds to schools for professional development, free lunches, textbooks, libraries, required resources, etc. Gave funds to preschool, which started the Headstart program. a child-development program for low-income or at-risk students. Helped closed academic gap.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Law states that any federally funded school can not discriminate against student or employee on the basis of sex ( editors, n.d.). This law gave opportunities for more women to participate in athletics. Funds were divided to give both men and women scholarship money for sports. Since 1972 the number of women athletes has continued to increase.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Act
    Signed into law by President Ford. law states that children with special needs will receive a free and quality education. Ensures students will receive the resources they need to be successful. Brought the terms IEP and LRE. LRE is least restrictive environment stating children will learn in their least restrictive environment. IEP is an individual plan that will hold all stakeholders accountable to help students meet agreed upon goals.
  • Colombine Shooting

    Colombine Shooting
    Two high-school aged shooters went into Colombine High School and killed 12 students and a teacher. After the shooting, schools were prompted to look at security changes and ask themselves, "why and how this could happen?" Since 1999 many schools have made significant changes providing higher security, developing crisis plans, and adding more opportunities to promote positive mental health.
  • Globalization 3.0

    Globalization 3.0
    Thomas Friedman claims that Globalization 3.0 emerged from three different components: the personal computer, the fiber-optic cable, and work flow software (Cushner, 2019). Personal computers allowed individuals to become authors of their own lives/content, fiber-optic cables provided more access to content, work flow software provided individuals to collaborate with people from anywhere. These components are are important factors in todays classroom, used in lessons and curriculum elements.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    Version of Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Designed to create equal opportunities for low-income or disadvantaged students. Held schools accountable using standardized testing and annual yearly progress updates. Considered controversial, some schools lacked resources to be successful. Schools could lose accreditation if continually did not meet the AYP goal. People argue teachers started "teaching to the test."
  • Teacher Strikes

    Teacher Strikes
    Teacher strikes have been happening since the establishment of teacher unions, but have become prevalent the past year. Teachers across the United States participated in "walk-outs" and strikes demanding fair pay, respect, and better working conditions conditions relating to, class size and necessary resources. Teachers argue that smaller class sizes means more individualized instruction, crucial factor for student success. Necessary resources means better quality instruction.