Euro globo

Europe 1933-1945

  • Period: to

    Europe 1933-1945

  • Depression in Britain

    Depression in Britain
    The depression wrecked traditional manufacturing industries. The production of textiles fell by two thirds. Shipbuilding collapsed.
  • Hitler appointed Chancellor

    Hitler appointed Chancellor
    Hitler was appointed chancellor.
  • Begining of Disarmament

    Begining of Disarmament
    Hitler ordered as a Chancellor to von Fritsch, the German general, to end disarmament and to create an army of the greatest possible strengh. This was the first violation to the Treaty of Versailles. Tanks, ships, and aircrafts were inmediatly began to be built.
  • Depression in France

    Depression in France
    French industry was facing a great crisis. The social and economical trouble France was facing, avioded her to stand up to Hitler.
  • Japan leaves the League of Nations

    Japan leaves the League of Nations
    Japan leaves the League of Nations after her attack on Chinese land Manchuria. Japan was not prepared to receive any criticism.
  • The Reichstag got on fire

    The Reichstag got on fire
    The Reichstag got on fire, and Hitler blamed the communists that they have started the fire. Hitler gained popularity due to this.
  • Hitler is appointed President

    Hitler is appointed President
    Hitler is appointes President of Germany after the elections carried out.
  • Hitler becomes Der Fuhrer

    Hitler becomes Der Fuhrer
    When the Recihstag passed the Enabling Law, Hitler had all the control of the state and the army. This law also gave Hitler the power to pass new laws without the agreement of the Recihstag.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations

    Germany leaves the League of Nations
    Hitler had despised the League since it was set up. Just after one year he took power, Germany left the League.
  • Stalin is ready to negociate

    Stalin is ready to negociate
    Stalin made it clear that he was prepared to do bussines with Hitler, but the attempt of stalin failed as Hitler had no interest in good relations with Stalin at that time.
  • "Night of the long knives"

    "Night of the long knives"
    The sa was gaining too much power in Germany, and Hitler thought that they might be organising a coup d' etat, so he gathered all the leader and had them killed that night. The officers that were not killed were persecuted and some died as they were confused with these leaders.
  • The Soviet Union becomes member of the League of Nations

    The Soviet Union becomes member of the League of Nations
    The Soviet Union became a member of the League of Nations, as it wanted to sing a pact either with Germany or Britain and France as it considered to be the determining factor on wich side would win the war.
  • Hitler introduces Conscription

    Hitler introduces Conscription
    By this, the number of soldiers in Germany increases massively. The limits on German military power in the Treaty of Versailles had been completely overturned.
  • The Stresa Front

    The Stresa Front
    France and Britain were keen to stop Italy joining with Germany, so they seemed ready to give Italy a free hand in Africa. It was considered to be an anti-German grouping of Italy, Britain and France. The whole idea of the declaration talked only about keeping peace in Europe, so Mussolini thought that they would not interfeer when he invaded Abyssinia
  • The Anglo-German Naval Agreement

    The Anglo-German Naval Agreement
    Britain signed a treaty with Germany over the strengh of their navies. This fixed the size of the German navy at 35 per cent of the British navy The treaty allowed Germany to have u-boats.
  • Italian invasion to Abyssinia

    Italian invasion to Abyssinia
    Abyssinia was a member of the League of Nstions, and as Britain and France did not wanted to get involved in a dilemma with Italy, the League of Nations applied a trade ban on Italy, but it did not include oil and petrol. As long as the Italians had petrol the war would continue.
  • The Hoare-Laval Pact

    The Hoare-Laval Pact
    The British Foreign Secretary. Hoare, had secret talks with Laval, the Prime Minister of France. They designed this pact under wich Abyssinia would have been divided in two, with Italy given the richer part. As the details of the Pact were leaked, people thought that they were surreding toward Italian agression. Thanks to this the Pact was scrapped and Hoare was forced to resign
  • British military recovery

    British military recovery
    During this year, the British spending on defence began to rise again. This further weakened Britiain's ability to stand up to Hitler. British generals and admirals became very pesimistic about how well Britain could do in war, knowing that the German air force was to close to overtake theirs.
  • Re-militarization of the Rhineland

    Re-militarization of the Rhineland
    On the 7 March 1936, hitler ordered some of his troops to re-militarize the rhineland. He also gave the order that if the French shoot back to them, they should retrieve inmediatly as they were not ready for war yet.
  • End of the war in Abyssinia, Italy won

    End of the war in Abyssinia, Italy won
    Italians won the war against Abyssinia
  • League of Nations failure: Abyssinia

    League of Nations failure: Abyssinia
    The League of Nations fails again. Italy had won the war in May 1936 and all the sanctions against Italy were ended.
  • Spanish Civil Wr began

    Spanish Civil Wr began
    The country was divided into two type of political ideologies "Republican" or "Loyalist" and "Nationalist".
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    Rome-Berlin Axis
    Hitler and Mussolini signed a pact in wich both countries became allies, and in the case of a war, they would support each oher.
  • Anti-Comitern Pact

    Anti-Comitern Pact
    Leaders of Germany, Italy and Japan signed this Pact, to work together against communism. The comunitern was the Soviet organisation whose job was to spread communism world-wide.
  • Austria is in crisis

    Austria is in crisis
    Austria is in a crisis. Nazi parties in Austria were making the situation even more difficult for Schuschnigg.
  • Nazi plot in Austria discovered

    Nazi plot in Austria discovered
    Austrian authorities discovered a Nazi plot in Austria, in order to create chaos by killing the German Ambassador.
  • Schuschnigg visits Hitler

    Schuschnigg visits Hitler
    Schuschnigg visited Hitler for crisis talks, he was bad treated by the nazis and he received shouts from Hitler. Hitler had threathen Schuschnigg and agreed with Hitlers demands.
  • Chamberlain's position towards Czechoslovakia

    Chamberlain's position towards Czechoslovakia
    As the government of Czechoslovakia was looking towards Britain and France for help, Chamberlain said that Czechoslovakia could not be saved from the Germans.
  • Schuschnigg last attempt to keep Aistria independant

    Schuschnigg last attempt to keep Aistria independant
    This wast the last and most desperate attempt to keep Autria independant, calling a plebiscite wether or not Austria should join Germany and settle some conditions on voters, such as the minimun age of voting was 24, so that young Nazis would not be able to vote.
  • Invation of Austria by Germany

    Invation of Austria by Germany
    Hitler invaded Austria by sending troops there. Hitler did not care about wether or not the Austrians wanted to join Germany.
  • Hitler visits his home town Linz

    Hitler visits his home town Linz
    Hitler visited Austria a day after he had invaded it. There he was received by cheering crowds.
  • Hitler has a meeting with Henlein

    Hitler has a meeting with Henlein
    Hitler gave instructions to Henlein the Nazi leader in the sudenten lands in Czechoslovakia, to keep making demansa on the Czech government. Hitler aimed to create a crisis in Czechoslovakia.
  • France has a new Prime Minister: Daladier

    France has a new Prime Minister: Daladier
    Elected by the French, Daladier had a lot of trouble to solve in his country. In front of the problem with Czechoslovakia, France had signed a pact with them, but they were not willing to go on a war with Germany at their instance, so they avoided war by ignoring the pact with Czechoslovakia.
  • Australia and South Africa

    Australia and South Africa
    Both countries told Chamberlain that they would not give military support in case of a war.
  • Henlein leaves Czechoslovakia

    Henlein leaves Czechoslovakia
    Henlein levaes Czechoslovakia as a result of the violence, and the failure of negitiatons between Sudeten Germans and the Czech government.
  • Talks in Berchtesgaden

    Talks in Berchtesgaden
    Hitler and Chamberlain met, and Hitler claimed Chamberlain about the Sudeten Germans, and they agreed that the Sudetenland should be annexed by Germany, but in exchange Hitler was asked not to use force to take control of those lands.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    A day after the British and the French Prime Ministers agreed with Hitler on the terms of the annexation of the Sudetenland, this conference was carried out. Britain and France agreed to give hitler what he wanted.
  • Sudentenlands now belong to Germany

    Sudentenlands now belong to Germany
    German troops marched unopposed into the Sudentenland. The Czech President was forced to go into exile.
  • Germany invades whole Czechoslovaquia

    Germany invades whole Czechoslovaquia
    Germany invaded what was left of Czechoslovaquia.
  • Soviet victory over Finland

    Soviet victory over Finland
    The battle lasted from October 1939-March 1940 with Soviet victory. The Finnish had fought with great skill and ferocity and it took the Soviet Union several months to defeat it's small neighbour.
  • Britain supports Poland

    Britain supports Poland
    the British government stated that Britain would stand by Poland in case of a war.
  • Litvinov's offer to Britain and France

    Litvinov's offer to Britain and France
    The Soviet Union Foreign Minister, Litvinov, outlined the basis for a treaty. This would have involved all three promising to defend the existing borders of the states of Eastern Europe from German attack, and each country promising to help the others in case of German attack.
  • Soviet talks with Western powers fails

    Soviet talks with Western powers fails
    Talks beteween the Soviet Union and the Western powers came to an end as Soviet troops were not allowed to cross over Polish and Romanian territories.
  • Non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union

    Non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union
    On the 20 th of August hitler had written personally a letter to Stalin offering him high level talks in Moscow. In the pact there was a clause called "secret protocol" and it said that Germany and the Sovien Union agreed to carve up most of the territory that layed between the two countries.
  • German invation of Poland

    German invation of Poland
    The German forces entered Polish territories.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    Britain and France declare war on Germany
    After the German invation to Poland, Britain and France declared the war to Germany. The Second World War had begun.
  • The Soviet Union invades eastern Poland

    The Soviet Union invades eastern Poland
    Soviet forces crossed the Polish frontier and and took control over the east of Poland. This was stated in the Nazi-Soviet pact.
  • French and British mine Norwegian waters

    French and British mine Norwegian waters
    The French and the British started mining Norwegian waters in order to stop the trade in iron ore. Later Germany invaded Finalnd and Denmark. Both French and British Prime Ministers were forced to resign.
  • Chamberlain resigns

    Chamberlain resigns
    Due to a political crisis after the invation of Denmark and Norway by Germany, Chamberlain was forced to resign.
  • Churchill becomes the Prime Minister of Britain

    Churchill becomes the Prime Minister of Britain
    Chruchill was appointed Prime Minister of Britain.
  • German struck on the west

    German struck on the west
    The Netherlands, Belguim and France were rapidly invaded by german troops. A Britsh army was forced to leave the continent back to Britain. Germany took direct control over France, leaving part of the south. At this point it seemed that Hitler had virtually won the war. Most of Europe was already under German control.
  • Mussolini joins forces with Germany

    Mussolini joins forces with Germany
    Mussolini joined forces with Germany, as Italy wanted some of the reward of the victory.
  • Attempt of invasion on Britain

    Attempt of invasion on Britain
    The German Air Force, the Luftwaffe, set out to win control of the air over Britain. Many places in London were bombed, such as factories and miitary sites. The air strike on Britain lasted from August 1940- September 1940. Althoug there were great losses on both sides, the RAF got the upper hand the battle and hitler had to postpone his plans over the invation of Britain.
  • Operation "Barbarossa"

    Operation "Barbarossa"
    Germany invaded the Soviet Union, disrupting the agreement they had signed just two years before. Hitler sent there more than 3 million men stormed into the USSR, along with more than 3000 tanks and 5000 aircfrafts. German forces penetrated depp inside the Soviet Union capturing key cities. By mid-October over 3 million Soviet troops had been captured and the Germans were moving to Moscow. There they found fierce resistance and failed to capture the city due to freezing cold and no equipment.
  • Holocaust "Final Solution"

    Holocaust "Final Solution"
    A final decition was made on how jewish people should be treated by Nazi authorities.
  • Japana goes to war with USA

    Japana goes to war with USA
    A Japanese attack on the US naval base of Pearl Harbour made the USA join the war. USA joined forced along with Britain and the USSR.
  • British forces defeat German forces in Africa

    British forces defeat German forces in Africa
    During the battle of El Alamein, the German army was defeated.
  • Germans and Italians lost all territories in North Africa

    Germans and Italians lost all territories in North Africa
    Germans and Italians were driven out completely of Northern Africa.
  • German forces retrieve

    German forces retrieve
    The Germans abandoned the siege of Leningrad.
  • Rome under allies hands

    Rome under allies hands
    Rome was invaded and is under American and British control.
  • German forces retrieve from the Soviet Union

    German forces retrieve from the Soviet Union
    The German forces were in retreat across the Soviet Union.
  • The "D Day"

    The "D Day"
    Invasion of France. British and American forces entered the French territory.
  • Invasion of France result: recovery of Paris

    Invasion of France result: recovery of Paris
    Paris was recovered by the allies.
  • Germany launches counter-attack

    Germany launches counter-attack
    The Germans launched a counter-attack in the Ardennes area of Belgium, after some early succes the German attack was turned back.
  • Mussolini is executed

    Mussolini is executed
    Mussolini is captured and killed, after he had escaped from prision.
  • Hitler kills himself

    Hitler kills himself
    Hitler killed himself in the bunker where he was hiding.
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    After Hitlers suicide, the war continued for a month, but Germany was already too weak to continue with the war.
  • Japan surrenders, World War II is over

    Japan surrenders, World War II is over
    The Japanese government surrendered because of the devastation caused by the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.