Ernst Mach

  • Birth

    Location: Moravia (Austrian Empire), present day Brno Czech Republic Pojman, Paul. “Ernst Mach (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy).” Https://Plato.Stanford.Edu/Entries/Ernst-Mach/, 3 Mar. 2019, [(]
  • Proving Doppler Effect

    Proving Doppler Effect
    Mach developed an apparatus that accurately proved Doppler Effect (sound wave frequencies changing with distance from source) in a laboratory setting. Doppler Effect was not widely accepted until this experiment. Reichenbach, Hans. “Contributions of Ernst Mach to Fluid Mechanics.” Www.Annualreviews.Org, Annual Reviews Inc., 1983,
  • Analysis of Sensations

    Analysis of Sensations
    Describes that sensations are interactions from a relationship between experience and pre-formed cognitive structures. This idea was important to the development of the Gestalt Theory. Mach's example was that of a melody. What is a melody? It can be played a multitude of keys or with various instruments but the mind still recognizes the overall tune. A melody is simply a melody because of the ability to recognize it. (Pojman)
  • Shockwave Forms.

    Shockwave Forms.
    Mach and Peter Salcher explored into the phenomenon of shockwaves. High speed circuitry led to the success of ballistic photographs. The complexity of photographing traveling bullets was difficult resulting in development wind tunnels capable of simulating a fired bullet from a static position. These experiments led to the discovery of Mach's number and supersonic phenomenon of objects moving faster than the speed of sound. (Reichenbach)
  • Published the "Science of Mechanics"

    Published the "Science of Mechanics"
    Ernst Mach's best known text, this book instigated reconsideration of the Newtonian perspectives, inspiring and leading to the formulation of Albert Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity. Mach's principle ideas of inertia stem from this book, which was crucial in Einstein's work. Mach, Ernst. The Science of Mechanics: A Critical and Historical Exposition of Its Principles. Translated by Thomas J. McCormack, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
  • Period: to

    Professor of Inductive Philosophy

    Ernst Mach, after contributing much to the scientific community, turned to teaching inductive philosophy at the University of Vienna until retirement. His philosophical views were of the empirical positivistic nature, harboring an anti-metaphysical attitude and anti-realist approach to atomism.
    Famous Scientists. “Ernst Mach - Biography, Facts and Pictures.” Famous Scientists, 19 Nov. 2017,
  • Death

    Location: Munich Germany, 78 years old.