Eriksons timeline

Erikson timeline

  • Berverly Cleary at age of 6: Industry versus Inferiority

    Berverly Cleary at age of 6: Industry versus Inferiority
    Beverly Cleary grew up in a farm, she remembers she had very bad adjustment to school when her family moved to Portland. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority, the crisis is between social interactions with new friends and not being able to read (industry & inferiority) - not really knowing anyone and knowing how to read.
  • Beverly's Decision to Marry: Intimacy versus Isolation

    Beverly's Decision to Marry: Intimacy versus Isolation
    Beverly (age 24) and Clarence married because they fell in love and made the decision to share the rest of their lives together and join their personalities. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy vs. isolation, the crisis is between having a close and loving relationship with others (intimacy) or self-contained - few or no relationship with friends and family.
  • Beverly's Last Days: Integrity versus Despair

    Beverly's Last Days: Integrity versus Despair
    Beverly died at her retirement home surrounded by loved ones at the age of 104. When she looked back on her life - knowing she had a successful career as a writer and provided for her family - she lived a happy life. In Erikson's eighth and final stage, integrity versus despair, the crisis is between living a meaningful life (integrity) and regret and realizing that there are some things you might've done differently if you had the chance (despair).