environmental acts

  • national parks service act

    national parks service act
    established national park service in u.s.
  • soil conservation act

    soil conservation act
    deals with soil erosion problems
  • federal insecticide,fungicide,rodenticide, act

    federal insecticide,fungicide,rodenticide, act
    provides federal regulation of pesticide distribution sale and use
  • Clean Air Act

    Clean Air Act
    first in US encouraged research and technical things to control air pollution
  • fish and wildlife act

    fish and wildlife act
    makes nation fish,shell fish, and wildlife resource policy and emphasis on commercial fishing industry
  • Price Anderson Act

    Price Anderson Act
    Limits the liability of the nulclear industry if there is a nuclear accident in the US
  • wilderness Act

    wilderness Act
    Protects wildlands for future generations
  • Water Resource Planning Act

    Water Resource Planning Act
    Plans made to maintian water adequacy in US
  • Water Quality Act

    Water Quality Act
    sets standards for water quality in US
  • Land and Water Conservation Act

    Land and Water Conservation Act
    asist preserving developing and assuring accessiblity to all citizen of US outdoor recreation
  • Species conservation act

    Species conservation act
    conserves and protects biodiversity in threatened and endangered species
  • Freedom of Information Act

    Freedom of Information Act
    Says any person has a right to obtain access to federal agency records
  • National Trail System Act

    National Trail System Act
    Promotes preservation of public access to travel within and enjoyment of recreational activities
  • National Environmental Policy Act

    National Environmental Policy Act
    broad national framework that protects our environment
  • Marine Mammal Protection Act

    Marine Mammal Protection Act
    orhibits taking of marine mammals
  • Clean Water Act

    Clean Water Act
    regulates discharge of polllutants of point source and basis for NPDES permit program
  • Endangered Species Act

    Endangered Species Act
    Conservation of endangered and threatened species and their habitats
  • Renewable Resource Planning Act

    Renewable Resource Planning Act
    requires the secretary of agriculture to have an assessment of the nations renewable resources every 10 years
  • Safe Drinking water Act

    Safe Drinking water Act
    Protects the quality of drinking water in the US
  • Convention an International Trade in Endangered Species

    Convention an International Trade in Endangered Species
    Says you cannot trade endangered species
  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
    controlso generation, transportation, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste
  • National Forest Management Act

    National Forest Management Act
    management of renewable resources on national forest land
  • Forest Rangeland Renewable Resource Planning Act

    Forest Rangeland Renewable Resource Planning Act
    Management of nations renewable resourcew is very complex and changes with time
  • Federal Land Policy and Management Act

    Federal Land Policy and Management Act
    guide the bureau of Land management and outlines their authority on public land
  • Soil and Water Conservation Act

    Soil and Water Conservation Act
    give USDA assessment and planning authorities for conservation, protection, and enhancement of soil and water
  • Surface Mining and Reclaimation Act

    Surface Mining and Reclaimation Act
    regulates surface mining and recreation activities
  • Energy Tax Act

    Energy Tax Act
    provides tax incentives for production and conservation of energy
  • Arctic Conservation Act

    Arctic Conservation Act
    preserves plants and animals in the arctic
  • Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act

    Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act
    Authorizes EPA to respond tol release of hazardous substances
  • Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

    Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
    authorizes financial technical assistance to states for development revision and implementaion of conservation plans and programs for non game fish and wildlife
  • Low level Radioactive Policy Act

    Low level Radioactive Policy Act
    eases burden on places who took in the radioactive waste from the nations
  • Nuclear Waste Policy Act

    Nuclear Waste Policy Act
    supports the use of deep geologic repositories for the safe storage or disposal of radioactive waste
  • International Environmental Protection Act

    International Environmental Protection Act
    authorizes president to assist countries in protecting and maintaining wildlife habitat and provides active role in conservation
  • Food Security Act

    Food Security Act
    allowed lower commodity price and income supports and established a dairy heard buy out program
  • Emergency Wetland Resource Act

    Emergency Wetland Resource Act
    promotes wetland conservation
  • Montreal Protocol

    Montreal Protocol
    designated to produce their consumption of ozone depleting substances to reduce it in the atmosphere
  • Ocean Dumping Ban

    Ocean Dumping Ban
    prohibits all municipal sewage sludge and industrial waste dumping into the ocean
  • Madrid Protocol

    Madrid Protocol
    provides protection of trademarks
  • Pollution Prevention Act

    Pollution Prevention Act
    focuses everyones attention on reducing pollution through cost effective changes in production opperation and raw material use
  • Waste Reduction Act

    Waste Reduction Act
    improve data collection and dissemination regaurding reduction of toxic chemical emission
  • Environmental Education Act

    Environmental Education Act
    we need to e9ducate the people about threats to human health and the environment
  • Lacey Act

    Lacey Act
    its unlawful for any person to import export transport sell recieve aquire or purchas fish wildlife or plant in violation of any protections
  • California Desert Protection Act

    California Desert Protection Act
    national parks preserving the desert
  • Food Quality Protection Act

    Food Quality Protection Act
    creates food safety laws
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    sets binding obligations on industralized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emission