Entringer - Peer Mentoring

  • Period: to

    Peer Mentoring

    Overall Timeline of Project
  • Initial Meeting

    Meet with Crystal to discuss most common IT issues asked by users.
    Homework: Crystal will decide which issues to include in this project.
  • Project Layout and Planning

    We will discuss Crystal's selection of issues and how to approach each issue.

    Homework: Crystal will research each issue selected and find possible solutions to review at next meeting.
  • Issue Evaluation

    We will review Crystal's research and decide on the best solution for each issue.
    Homework: Crystal will start working on a PPT presentation detailing the issues along with the solution for each issue.
  • Project Worktime

    Crystal and I will continue to work on her PPT presentation and I will assist with any questions she may have. This time will also be used for image gathering to include in the PPT to further assist the users.
    Homework: Crystal will put together the first draft of the PPT.
  • Presentation Rough Draft

    Crystal and I will review the first draft of the PPT presentation and fine tune it.
    Homework: Crystal will practice presenting the PPT.
  • Internal PPT Presentation

    Crystal will present her PPT presentation to me. I will critique both the PPT as well as Crystal's delivery. Homework: Crystal will fine tune her overall presentation based on the items discovered during the practice run.
  • Final Internal Presentation

    Crystal will present her final presentation to me. I will make my final critiques and we'll adjust the presentation if needed. Homework: None!
  • The Big Show!

    I will select users from various departments within the organization to attend Crystal's presentation. I will assist if needed for any questions that may arise for each topic discussed in Crystal's presentation. Surveys will be filled out by the audience.
    Homework: Jeff will post the PPT on the company's internal website and direct users to the PPT for the IT issues discussed.