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Engineering Your Future

  • Jan 29, 1500

    Birth of Engineering Science

    Birth of Engineering Science
    Enginering Science was first considered enginering science in the year 1500.
  • First Engineering Journal/Handbook

    First Engineering Journal/Handbook
    The first enginering handbook and journal is written, mostly sketches.
  • Telescope was invented

    Telescope was invented
    Telescope was invented the first refracting by Hans Lippershey
  • William Oughtred invents the slide ruler

    William Oughtred invents the slide ruler
    William Oughtred invents the slide ruler our last century couldn't have been built without it.
  • Combustion Engine

    Combustion Engine
    1876, the German Nikolaus August Otto built the first engine based on Beau de Rochas' principle.
  • Steam Engine

    Steam Engine
    In 1763, James Watt went about improving Thomans Newcomes’s steam powered pump. Watt invented the first railroad locomotive.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Whitney invented the cotton gin. By 1793 he had constructed the cotton gin, the machine that revolutionized the cotton industry in the US.
  • The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is founded.

    Opened in 1887, One of the most complicated cable-car systems. Designed by Andrew Hallidie.
  • Invention of the X-ray Machine

    Invention of the X-ray Machine
    The invention of the X-ray Machine occured in 1895 by Wilhelm Röntgen.
  • The American Institute of Chemical Engineers

    The American Institute of Chemical Engineers
    The American Institute of Chemical Engineers is founded.
  • First Intergrated Circuit

    First Intergrated Circuit
    The first silicon chip, or intergrated circuit is produced.
  • New Apple Computer

    New Apple Computer
    Apple Computer releases Apple II Computer.
  • Our Common Future

    Our Common Future
    Magazine which popularizes the use of the term 'sustainable development'.
  • International Institute for Sustainable Development formed

    International Institute for Sustainable Development formed
    International Institute for Sustainable Development is formed in Canada.

    World Wide Web became accessible to the general public
  • Tissue Engineering Founded

    Tissue Engineering Founded
    As the term of tissue engineering used today the first time it was used was in a article called "Functional Organ Replacement: The New Technology of Tissue Engineering." in "Surgical Technology International"
  • Sanger Centre

    Sanger Centre
    A genome research institute named The Sanger Centre was created to do research and get better knowledge of genomes
  • First human chromosome map

    First human chromosome map
    In Paris an international research team produced a rough map of all 23 human chromosomes. This is considered an imperative step in Bio Medical engineering
  • First Cloned Human Embryos

    First Cloned Human Embryos
    1993,Human embryos were cloned and nurtured in a Petri dish for several days, at George Washington University.
  • World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development

    World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development
    World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development was formed in 1993.
  • Human Chromosomes

    Human Chromosomes
    In Paris an international research team produced a rough map of all 23 human chromosomes.
  • Genetically engineered food

    The Flavr Savr tomato is the first genetically engineered food product that gained the FDA approval.
  • sequence of bacterial genome

    The first completed sequence of a bacterial genome.
  • Full Gene sequence

    The first full gene sequence of a living organism other than a virus is completed for the bacterium Hemophilus influenza.
  • Calve Clones

    Calve Clones
    Scientists clone eight identical calves using cells taken from a single adult cow, in Japan.
  • Google FOUNDED

    Google FOUNDED
    Google is founded and quickly became a popular search engine
  • 3Com Handheld computer released

    3Com Handheld computer released
    Palm Pilot is released by 3Com which is by far more popular than the Apple’s Newton handheld computer.
  • Genetically engineered cows

    Genetically engineered cows
    Scientists clone eight identical calves using cells taken from a single adult cow, in Japan
  • Soil nematode sequenced

    Soil nematode sequenced
    A small soil nematode was completely sequenced.
  • Paypal founded

    Paypal founded
    Paypal is founded.
  • BSE/CJD Neurologic disease

    BSE/CJD Neurologic disease
    A rare but devastating form of neurlogic disease BSE/CJD is now able to be quickly identified because of a new medical diagnostic test.
  • Fruit Fly

    Fruit Fly
    The fruit fly genome was completely sequenced.
  • New medical diagnostic test

    New medical diagnostic test
    1999,A rare but devastating form of neurological disease BSE/CJD is now able to be quickly identified because of a new medical diagnostic test.
  • Celera Genomics

    Celera Genomics
    Celera Genomics held the presentation of a human genome

    Windows 7 is released as Microsoft’s newest operating system, which fixed many of the bugs in Vista.

    Richard Cook was the mission’s deputy project manager. Curiosity weighed 1 ton and costed around 2.5 billion dollars, bigger and more advanced than any of its predecessors!