
Energy use in the USA

  • Coal founded in Virginia

    Coal founded in Virginia
    Coal founded in Richmond, VA
  • Electrolysis Discovered

    Electrolysis Discovered
    Scientists discover that applying electric current to water produced hydrogen and oxygen gases. This was called electrolysis.
  • Standard Oil Developed

    Standard Oil Developed
    John D. Rockefeller forms Standard Oil and develops petroleum as a major energy source in the U.S. Standard Oil eventually becomes a monarchy, causing other oil industries to go out of business and being the sole provider of petroleum oil.
  • Hoover Dam Built

    Hoover Dam Built
    The world's largest hydroelectric power plant is built.
  • U.S. Satellite in Orbit Utilizes Sun Power

    U.S. Satellite in Orbit Utilizes Sun Power
    The first U.S. satellite in orbit utilized solar cells for power.
  • Santa Barbara Oil Spill

    Santa Barbara Oil Spill
    Santa Barbara Oil Spill draws national attention.
  • Congress passes hydrogen power act

    Congress passes hydrogen power act
    Congress passes act to stimulate development of hydrogen power.
  • U.S. prevents drilling oil

    U.S. prevents drilling oil
    U.S. House prevents drilling for oil in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
  • Coal Ash spill in Tennessee

    Coal Ash spill in Tennessee
    The worst coal ash spill in U.S. history occurs in Kingston, Tennessee.
  • Geothermal Energy Development Plan

    Geothermal Energy Development Plan
    U.S. announces $467 million in recovery act funding for solar energy and geothermal energy development.