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Ender Game Timeline

By watmiah
  • Enders monitor is removed.

    Enders monitor is removed.
    Ender is no longer being watched by the Goverment.
  • The school beating.

    The school beating.
    Ender gets attacked by a school bully, and when he reacts, and fights back he kills the bully without realizing it.
  • Battle School

    Battle School
    A man who identifies himself as Colonel Graff comes to Ender, and tell him he has been selected to go to Battle School. To be trained to lead armies against the buggers.
  • Arrival At Battle School

    Arrival At Battle School
    Ender arives at battle school, and goes to find his bunk Ender picks out his own bunk. Then goes to dinner and makes a friend.
  • Promoted

    Ender gets promoted to Salamander Army, but the commander of the army Bonzo Madrid will not allow Ender to fight in the battles.
  • A new army...

    A new army...
    Ender is moved to Rats Army. The commander is a boy who's known as "Rose the Nose". Unlike in Army Salamander Ender is allowed to fight in this army.
  • Peters plot

    Peters plot
    Peter and Valentine start writing as Locke and Demosthenes. in order to try and obtain influential power with the people.
  • Ender joins Phoenix Army

    Ender joins Phoenix Army
    Ender is again moved to another Army. This time he is in command of a squad in the army.
  • Valentines letter

    Ender reads a letter from his sister Valentine, and is motivated to continue in his quest to finish Battle School.
  • Dragon Army

    Dragon Army
    Ender is given his own army "Dragon Army" He has inexperienced, but fast learning soldiers.
  • Dragon Army's Win Streak

    Dragon Army's Win Streak
    Dragon Army's first battle... They go on to win many more without a loss.
  • Dragon Army vs Salamander

    Dragon Army vs Salamander
    Ender is faced against Salamander led by Bonzo.
  • Ender fights Bonzo

    Ender fights Bonzo
    Ender gets into a fight against Bonzo. Ender is able to knock out Bonzo, and escape, but unannouned to Ender, Bonzo ended up dying from his wounds.
  • Ender's Graduation...

    Ender's Graduation...
    Ender ends up Graduating from Battle School, and is told he is being moved up to Command Schhol
  • Valentine...

    After Ender takes a few month vacation on Earth Cononel Graff uses Valentine to motivate Ender to move on, and go to Command School and fight against the Buggers.
  • Command School

    Command School
    Ender afrrives at Command School which is located in a asteroid called Eros. There Ender starts a new game this time he is command fleets of ship in computer simulation.
  • The final battle

    The final battle
    After a year of getting better at the simulation. Ender is told he is having his final simulation and it would be a test to see if he is the briliant Commander they have been searching for. He is faced with a army ten-thousand times his own. Ender beat the simulation by destroying the aliens home world. Afterwards he is told that it wasn't a game the simulation was real and he had just destryed the buggers home world.
  • The Speaker for the Dead

    The Speaker for the Dead
    Ender goes to the Aliens homeworld for a colonial mission to get away from earth and the people that loved and hated him. Ender finds a Alien queen in a cacoon the speaks to him telepathicaly and Ender begins to realize the way the aliens lived and felt. Ender wrote a book and signed it "Speaker for the Dead" and began traveling the galazy looking for a place to put the queen bugger so she can rebuild the bugger race. In this mission Ender finds the peace he had been searching for.