
Emmy T Telescope

  • Apr 18, 1301

    Telescope in the Renaissance

    Telescope in the Renaissance
    The credit of invention of telescope goes to Galileo Galilei.
  • Where did the telescope first appear?

    Where did the telescope first appear?
    The telescope first appeared in the Netherlands. In October 1608, the national government in The Hague discussed a patent application for a device that aided "seeing faraway things as though nearby." It consisted of a convex and concave lens in a tube. The combination magnified objects three or four times
  • Telescope's help determine things in space

    Telescope's help determine things in space
    The next time you gaze up at the night sky, you're likely to spot a twinkling star. But is it really twinkling? What looks like a twinkling star to our eyes is actually steady starlight that has been distorted, or bent, by the Earth's atmosphere. The visual effect of this distortion is like looking at an object through a glass of water.Telescopes here on the ground -- which also must peer through Earth's atmosphere -- are equally vulnerable to our atmosphere's visual tricks.