Elon Musk

By meslift
  • PayPal Co-Founders Invest $20 Million in SpaceX

    PayPal Co-Founders Invest $20 Million in SpaceX
    Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) Chief Executive Elon Musk recently accepted a $20 million investment from Founders Fund, a $220 million venture capital firm managed by his fellow PayPal co-founders.We are pleased to be included in their portfolio and welcome [Founders Fund managing partner] Luke Nosek to our Board," Musk said in an Aug.
  • El coche eléctrico conquista Wall Street: Tesla Motors sale a bolsa

    El coche eléctrico conquista Wall Street: Tesla Motors sale a bolsa
    Wall Street vive hoy la primera salida a bolsa de un fabricante de automóviles en media centuria. En tiempos de crisis económica y de grandes dificultades en el sector de la automoción, la osadía sólo podría llegar de una marca que vende deportivos eléctricos: Tesla Motors.
  • Zip 2

    Zip 2
    Elon Musk is one of Silicon Valley's most fabled entrepreneurs, and he credits his hard childhood with giving him the tools he needed to get there.
    Musk sold his first company, Zip2, for more than $300 million to AltaVIsta in 1999 and used that money to start the company that would become PayPal. When eBay bought PayPal for $1.5 billion a couple years later, Musk embarked on a couple of big, bold projects: SpaceX (commercial space flight) and Tesla Motors (electric vehicles).
  • Halcyon Molecular quietly shuts down

    Halcyon Molecular quietly shuts down
    Halcyon Molecular, a much-talked about genetics startup that was started by Andregg Brothers – William and Michael in 2008 has quietly gone away. It is not clear if the company has shut down – the web site exists – but sources familiar with the Redwood City, Calif.-based company say that it ran out of money.
  • Elon Musk

    Elon Musk
    Elon Musk is the chief designer for SpaceX, overseeing development of rockets and spacecraft for missions to Earth orbit and ultimately to other planets. In 2008, SpaceX’sFalcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft won the NASA contract to provide a commercial replacement for the cargo transport function of the space shuttle. In 2012, SpaceX became the first commercial company to dock with the International Space Station and return cargo to Earth with the Dragon.
  • Paypal

    In March 2000 Confinity was acquired by X.com Corporation, a Silicon Valley firm involved in online banking projects, led by Elon Musk. Under Musk, X.com took the PayPal corporate name and initiated aggressive marketing plans, including one promo offering $10 to new sign-ups for PayPal accounts.
  • Pros y contras de la megafábrica de Tesla

    Pros y contras de la megafábrica de Tesla
    Puede que el audaz plan de construir una fábrica gigante de baterías solo sea una ingeniosa táctica de negociación
    El director ejecutivo de Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, espera que una gran fábrica dé lugar a coches eléctricos más baratos.
    Ya estamos acostumbrados a que Musk nos presente planes atrevidos. Además de crear Tesla, fundó su propia empresa de cohetes, SpaceX, que ahora hace entregas de material a la Estación Espacial Internacional. Pero la "gigafábrica", como la denomina Musk, parece au
  • Una fábrica inmensa para fabricar paneles solares ultraeficientes

    Una fábrica inmensa para fabricar paneles solares ultraeficientes
    El multimillonario fundador de Tesla y emprendedor espacial Elon Musk anunció la semana pasada que Solar City, la empresa de instalación solar que preside, tiene planes de adquirir una start-up llamada Silevo por 200 millones de dólares (y otros 150 millones más si la empresa cumple ciertos objetivos, lo que suponen 146 y 110 millones de euros respectivamente).
  • Elon Musk dona un millón de dólares al museo dedicado a Nikola Tesla

    Elon Musk dona un millón de dólares al museo dedicado a Nikola Tesla
    Elon Musk dona un millón de dólares al museo dedicado a Nikola Tesla
    Ciudad de México.- Elon Musk, dueño de Tesla Motors, decidió donar un millón de dólares al museo dedicado a Nikola Tesla, con el fin de preservar el legado del inventor de quien adoptó el nombre.
  • Tesla libera sus 200 patentes para facilitar la fabricación de los coches eléctricos

    Tesla libera sus 200 patentes para facilitar la fabricación de los coches eléctricos
    El consejero delegado de la compañía, Elon Musk, indicó en una entrada «Nuestras patentes pertenecen a ustedes» en el blog de la empresa que Tesla no iniciará disputas legales contra quienes, «de buena fe», utilicen su tecnología.
  • NASA firma contrato de USD$6.800 millones con Boeing y SpaceX

    NASA firma contrato de USD$6.800 millones con Boeing y SpaceX
    La NASA confirmó esta noticia, agregando que los contratos con ambas compañías alcanzan los USD$6.800 millones bajo los cuales se estipula que ambas empresas deberán realizar un vuelo de prueba a la estación espacial con un astronauta de la NASA en 2017.
  • SpaceX lanza cápsula Dragon a EEI y hace primer ensayo para recuperar cohete

    SpaceX lanza cápsula Dragon a EEI y hace primer ensayo para recuperar cohete
    La firma privada SpaceX lanzó hoy por quinta vez la cápsula Dragon para abastecer con 2,2 toneladas de suministros a los 6 astronautas que viven actualmente en la Estación Espacial Internacional (EEI) y efectuar por primera vez un ensayo de amerizaje para recuperar parte del cohete Falcon 9.
  • Elon Musk Headlines Space Station Research and Development Conference

    Elon Musk Headlines Space Station Research and Development Conference
    Musk was at the helm in designing the Dragon spacecraft—the first commercial vehicle to berth with the space station. SpaceX continues to transport resupply missions to and from the space station multiple times each year, the latest launch having departed on Jan. 10. NASA recently selectedSpaceX, along with Boeing, to finalize their vehicle designs capable of ferrying a commercial crew to the station.
  • As SpaceX Investigates Falcon 9 Failure, NASA Downplays Effect on Space Station

    As SpaceX Investigates Falcon 9 Failure, NASA Downplays Effect on Space Station
    While SpaceX struggles to determine the cause of a failure of its Falcon 9 rocket, NASA managers and other users of the International Space Station say the loss of the cargo on the Dragon spacecraft on that rocket should not have a major effect on station operations.
  • SpaceX lanza exitosamente satélite meteorológico

    SpaceX lanza exitosamente satélite meteorológico
    CABO CAÑAVERAL, Florida.- SpaceX lanzó el miércoles un observatorio inspirado por el ex vicepresidente Al Gore hacia un punto de detección de tormentas solares a millones de kilómetros de distancia de la Tierra.
  • Tres motivos por los que la batería de Tesla es un avance real

    Tres motivos por los que la batería de Tesla es un avance real
    Aunque todos andemos de cabeza buscando la energía que necesitamos para mantener nuestro mundo en marcha, lo cierto es que, como explica Nick Stockton en Wired, encontrar una fuente de energía no es difícil: está el viento, está el sol, está el agua, está el calor del núcleo terrestre…
  • hyperloop

    SpaceX is building a hyperloop, Elon Musk's fantastical, futuristic transport tube capable of moving people and freight at speeds of 760 miles per hour.
    The company is building a one- to three-mile-long hyperloop test track outside its Hawthorne, California headquarters with plans to test the technology within a year, according to documents obtained by Motherboard.
  • Elon Musk, First Martian? A Serious Conversation About the Future in Space

    Elon Musk, First Martian? A Serious Conversation About the Future in Space
    SpaceX never appears in your book. Instead, there are the more traditional aerospace companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin. That surprised me.
    You have to remember that I started writing this in 2009, and they were not a proven company then. If I was writing it now, SpaceX would be in there but I would have to come up with a reason why they couldn’t help out with the mission. They might be too fast.
  • Why Elon Musk is donating millions to make artificial intelligence safer

    Why Elon Musk is donating millions to make artificial intelligence safer
    What do Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk have in common?
    They all fear that advances in artificial intelligence, an area of computer science in which machines can mimic human behavior and make decisions, could lead to potential unforeseen disasters down the road for humanity.
  • As SpaceX Investigates Falcon 9 Failure, NASA Downplays Effect on Space Station

    As SpaceX Investigates Falcon 9 Failure, NASA Downplays Effect on Space Station
    While SpaceX struggles to determine the cause of a failure of its Falcon 9 rocket, NASA managers and other users of the International Space Station say the loss of the cargo on the Dragon spacecraft on that rocket should not have a major effect on station operations
  • The new tesla roadster in 2019; faster than `Ludicrous`

    The new tesla roadster in 2019; faster than `Ludicrous`
    CEO of Tesla Motors, Elon Musk, has confirmed the return of a Roadster in Tesla’s lineup by 2019. Musk also said the new Roadster will be faster than “ludicrous” mode. The recently unveiled Tesla Model S features the “ludicrous” mode, which allows it to accelerate from 0-96km/h in just 2.8 seconds.
  • SpaceX arrives at space station

    SpaceX arrives at space station
    Cape Canaveral - The SpaceX supply ship arrived at the International Space Station on Friday morning, delivering the world's first espresso machine designed exclusively for astronauts.
    Italy provided the espresso maker for Cristoforetti, who's been stuck with instant coffee since her mission began in November.
  • Tesla motor

    Tesla motor
    Elon Musk
    Chairman, Product Architect and CEO
    Elon co-founded Tesla and continues to oversee the company's product strategy -- including the design, engineering and manufacturing of more and more affordable electric vehicles for mainstream consumers.
  • Solar city

    Solar city
    Elon Musk is also founder and CEO of SpaceX—a space launch vehicle company. Prior to SpaceX, he co-founded PayPal, the world's leading electronic payment system, and served as the company's chairman and CEO.
  • Elon Musk quiere lanzar una flota de 700 satélites para llevar internet a todo el mundo

    Elon Musk quiere lanzar una flota de 700 satélites para llevar internet a todo el mundo
    SpaceX busca llevar lo que sabe hacer mejor, llegar al espacio de la forma más económica posible, para crear una flota de unos 700 satélites que ofrecerían una conexión de bajo coste global en cualquier parte del planeta.