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    was supposed to be the first to use a lodestone as a compass
  • Jan 1, 600


    Discovered taht amber rubbed with animal fur attracted light objects (he was not the first to do this but he was the first to record his findings)
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    William Gilbert

    Invented a lightweight tool called a versorium that looked like a compass but didn't use a magnetized needle
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    Otto Von Guericke

    Showed that electricity could be transmitted by using a wet string to conduct electricity several feet
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    Francis Huksbee

    Removed air from a glass globe and made the globe rotate while rubbing it with a wool cloth
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    Stephen gray

    Discovered conductivity
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    Charles Du Fay

    Came to conclusion that everything and everybody contained electricity
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    Luigi Galvani

    Discovered that a dead forg's muscles twithced when it was placed near an electrical mavhine
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    Alessandro Volta

    Best known for inventing the voltaic pile (now known as the battery) the volt was named after him
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    Pieter Van Musschenbroek

    Invented a storage jar called a Leyden jar, that showed that electricty could be stored for future use
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    Andre Ampere

    Contributed to the measurement of electric current and who experimented with electromagnetism
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    Joseph Henry

    contributed to the creation of the telegraph
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    Karl Gauss

    Created a set of units to measure the amount of magnetic induction. the unit is called a gauss
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    Georg Ohm

    Discovered the relationship among voltage, current and resistance in a circut using direct current (Ohm's Law)
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Invented the incandescent light bulb
  • Nikola Tesla

    Invented the induction motor, and set the standard for the frequence of the transmission current
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    Michael Faraday

    his experiments helped invent the motor, generators, transformers, telegraphs, and the telephone. he also invented words we use today, including, electrode anode, cathode, and ion.
  • Ben Franklin

    As a storm was about to break, Franklin flew a kite with a stiff wire pointing up that was attached to the top of the kite. he attached a metal key to the other end of the string and let it hang close to a Leyden jar. rain poistend the string, which benan to conduct electricity. sparks jumped from the key to the jar until the jar could not handle any more charges