
Educational Time Line

  • Educational Act

    Educational Act
    Ensured all children up to the age of 14 had the oppourtunity and were entitled to free education. Majority of pupils attended secondary modern schools. It encouraged girls and the working class to be educated.
  • Period: to

    Educational Timeline

  • 11+

    The 11+ were exams all pupils took to select them for grammer schools or free schools, if you were successful you were offered a place at a distunguished grammer school where at the time the best educational resources were to become availbale.. For a fee Those who 'failed' or families that did not have money were seleceted for a differen type of school which would prepare them better for the working world and was free.
  • Introducing Winston Churchill

    Introducing Winston Churchill
    In 1951 Churchill was elected Prime Minister, One of his initial acts was to cut funding within the education. Winston also introduced O levels into schools and further education certifications. However not all pupils stayed in school long enough to take them
  • Crowther Report

    Further push for vocational courses for 15-18 year olds that provided practical training. Also was the inital step for the leaving age being boosted to 16, although still many children left scool at 15 without qualifications because of the need for money for their family. The crowther report also pushed for qualifications other than a levels to be introduced
  • Sport within the Community

    Sport within the Community
    introduced via the wolfenden comittee in order for sport to progress it was recognised that a committee was needed to help it along, the committee focused on several areas within sport. it focused on professional and recreational elements of all sports and encouraged funding and sports councils to rise and improve the quality of participation. Participation for all despite social class
  • UK Sport

    UK Sport
    In 1972 the uk sport council was founded and aimed to increase sports participation and competeance.
  • GCSE

    this bought the introducution of new examinations that replaced the well known o levels my parents took,
  • New Qualifications and subjects

    GCSE, Sex education, Reports and progression records which would result in being the levels that were used throughout my school years and the exams I was to take in my final year.
  • national curriculum

    national curriculum
    The national curriculum was inroduced by margret thatcher along with key stages within schools this placed more control with the governement on what should should be taught in schools and how it should be taught.
  • Ofsted formed

    Ofsted formed
    The introduction of school inspections and teaching standards were introduced.
  • Conservative Governement elected

    Conservative Governement elected
    With this came the further higher educastion act which meant pollytechs and universities could offer their own degrees and new funding bodies were established.
  • P.E within the national curriculum

    P.E within the national curriculum
    1992 bought the introduction on physical education to the national curriculum it was placed as a core subject which meant every school would have to teach it. This had a huge impact on me whislt in school as it was the experience within p.e which made me choose to be a p.e teacher
  • Welocme to the world Km Scott

  • Harvills Hawthorne

    Harvills Hawthorne
    Began attending nursery at Harvill Hawthorne Primary school.
  • Student Finance England

    Student Finance England
    This marked the begining of Higher Education being made more available for everybody, Student finance began to provide the oppourtunity of a degree even for those who do not come from a wealthy family. This was of signifficant importance to me because without this I would not have been able to attend university.
  • ECM

    after the tragic death of Victoria Climbe the government introduced this policy to prevent any further failings of organisations that have the responsilbilty of taking care of children. ECM has 5 main outcomes-
    be healthy
    stay safe
    enjoy and achive through learning
    achieve economic well being
    make a positive contribution to society more responsibility was given to schools to ensure the care of their pupils and anything suspicious should be reported to the correct authority
  • national curriculum reform

    adaptation to the national curriculum were made to ensure pupils in schools were meeting the requirements that were now needed, it now focused on ensuring pupils were successful learners, confident individuals and resposible citizens within their community.
  • Left High School

    Left High School
    Finished at Menzies High School with BTEC and GCSE qualifications
  • Sutton Coldfield College

    Began my BTEC Diploma in Sport and Exercise Sciences
  • your child, your schools, our future

    promotion of school links and sharing specalism teachers, the promotion of healthy eating and healthy liufestyles. acadamy schools on the rise
  • triple university fees?!

    triple university fees?!
    Expansion of Academies means many schools are now owned by private business and do not have to follow the national Circulum, they have the ability to design their own timetable and have some of the newest facilities and in a lot of circumstances better grades at GCSE. Intoruced the new vastly increased higher education rates which we are currently paying
  • Finished College

    Finsihed at Sutton Coldfield College with higher grades than I needed to get into university, Very Proud Moment!
  • Leeds Metropolitan University

    Leeds Metropolitan University
    Moved up to leeds to begin studying undergradutate degree
  • Graduation

    I graduated From Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA Hons in Physical Education, 2:1.
  • Teacher Training

    Teacher Training
  • Level system removed from schools

    The way in which pupils are assessed throughout ks3 has been removed and schools must now put their own system in place to assess pupils, this could raise issues as schools will not have to use the same system as any other so if a pupil changes school assessing where they are could be difficult.