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Education History

By jazzyza
  • The American Colonial Period 1600- 1776

    The American Colonial Period 1600- 1776
    Motivated Europeans come to a new land for greater religious freedom,economic opportunities, better society, or just adventurous. And since there was no education system most schooling took place at home. Parents teaching children basic reading and arithmetic. Daily life and work provided many additional opportunities for practical learning needed for adulthood. Even after schools began to be established, they were available mainly in well-populated areas.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin Franklin
    His Beliefs: Understanding science helped people understand societies
    The education system needed an expansion of opportunities
    What he did for the education system: Started secondary school (academy) in Philadelphia
    His schools offered a broad range of subjects, and were available to anyone, just like public schools.
    Schools teach good citizenship because of his attributes
  • The american Early National Period (1776-1840)

    The american Early National Period (1776-1840)
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    Although he was our third president he contributed many things to education.
    He said "EDUCATION IS KEY".
    He introduced the division of countries into smaller districts who were responsible for education, they would be public system of education.
    Schools were available without coast.
    Established the University of Virginia.
  • The American common School Period 1840-1880

    The American common School Period 1840-1880
    Kindergarten Was first established for less fortunate children and children with mental physical handicaps Kindergarten in the U.S. did not appear until 1856, and it was in Wisconsin
    Teachers in small country schoolhouses were paid by community members and salaries were low Individuals who intended to be teachers in normal schools had to take a test to show that they were properly educated As a result there was more expectations of teacher knowledge and teaching abilities.
  • The Morrill Act

    The Morrill Act
    Also known as Land-Grant College Act, gave federal land to establish colleges in every state. These colleges were to provide practical education in agriculture, home economics,and other sefl professions to people from all social classes. Land-Grant colleges made higher education available to Americans Nationwide. Many well-known universities of today began as land grant colleges.
  • Horace Mann

    Horace Mann
    was the first secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts.Established teacher-training school called normal schools
    -advocated the establishment of free libraries
    -increased funding for public schools by using state taxes to pay for education.
    -ideas are still part of today's school system
  • Maria Montessori method

    Maria Montessori method
    Montessori believed that children have traits that need to be nurtured which supports development and independence. She concluded that children were able to concentrate for long periods of time, liked repetition, favored work over play, were self-motivated and self-disciplined; liked silence and harmony, and were competent in learning to read and write.
  • Period: to

    The american Progressive Period 1

    The education bridged the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
    Segregated education .Roles of teachers,Teacher preparation program colleges replaced normal schools.Teachers were well trained and qualified to both run classrooms and teach variety of subjects.First teacher union was formed to improve benefits and pay. More women join education School curriculum students focused more as individuals. and highschool diploma was more important when finding a job
  • Jhony Dewy

    Jhony Dewy
    He believed that the past and future are an important part to education Interaction/participation: people should learn from experience and in the present Started from the basis of pragmatism from the progressive movement Dewey didn't agree with the current system of education with a more authoritarian system Dewey favored education that would benefit the child in their future Favored the idea of "Self-direction" for education allowing people to to have a better fit into the society
  • career and Technical Education

    career and Technical Education
    The Smiths-Hughes Act of 1917 established federal funds to support vocational education. This prepared and still prepares students for many career opportunities in specific trades and occupations where skilled workers were needed.
  • Period: to

    The 1920's and the Great Depression Era

    The situation for schools was horrible. Public schools faced a shortage of cash since taxes were not paid. Some school districts ceased to operate while others shortened the school year decreases or elimination of teacher pay was common, and of course offerings cutbacks to basic subjects.The federal government step in and helped with funds as they supported some schools to hire teachers and began offering free hot school lunches to children.
  • Dick and Jane Readers

    Dick and Jane Readers
    In spite of the Great Depression an new set of reading text books were published.These books taught the basics of reading and writing skills with simple stories about family. The books help standardize education.