Education Historical Timeline

  • Harvard College

    Harvard College
    As America’s 1st institution of higher education, it served as a standard and example for the colleges/universities that came after. It led to the addition of sciences being added to the school curriculum. Image retrieved from:
    Harris, J. (1726). A Prospect of the Colledges in Cambridge in New England.
  • Noah Webster Created Textbooks

    Noah Webster Created Textbooks
    Webster’s introduction of textbooks to the school system showed the importance of textbooks as a school resource. This influences learning today as textbooks are utilized for most subjects taught. Image retrieved from:
    Noah Webster House. (1976). Noah Webster House.
  • Horace Mann became U.S. Secretary of Education

    Horace Mann became U.S. Secretary of Education
    Mann gave rise to the idea that attending school is a birthright available to all. Today’s education is a right for every American through the public school system. Image retrieved from: Editors. (2016). Horace Mann. Biography.
  • Horace Mann’s 1st Normal School

    Horace Mann’s 1st Normal School
    his school opened in Massachusetts and led to many other ‘normal schools’ that followed in its footsteps. Normal schools had a major influence on teachers as they were finally viewed as professionals in schools. It also set ethical standards for schools. Image retrieved from:
    Delaware County Historical Society Library. (1914). A sketch of the "Proposed" Horace Mann School. Old Chester PA.
  • Hull-House

    Jane Adams opened the 1st Hull House in Chicago and advocated for legislative reforms at the municipal, state, and federal levels. Her push for improving social conditions can be seen today such as the option of child care (given rise to early childhood education) and through a more nutritious school-lunch program. Image:
    The Hull House, Chicago (front). (2020, June 20). Wikimedia Commons.,_Chicago_(front).tif&oldid=427796613.
  • Established National Education Association Committee of Ten

    Established National Education Association Committee of Ten
    This committee helped establish the public school curriculum. This committee made way for much of how the public school is structured today in terms of elementary and secondary education as well as allowing students to select electives. Image retrieved from:
    Mackenzie, J. (1894). The report of the committee of ten. The School Review, 2(3), 146-155.
    Nea. Retrieved from