Education 2000-present

  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    states are required to test students in reading and math grades 3-8 and once in high school
    all students are expected to meet or exceed standards by 2014
    Main objective:
    close student achievement gaps
    provide fair, equal and significant opportunity
    Four pillars:
    Accountability: disadvantages students are able achieve academic proficiency
    Flexibility: Allows schools to use federal education funds more to improve student achie
  • NJ Charter Schools

    NJ Charter Schools
    open-enrollment (space-available basis)
    public schools
    The state's charter school law was passed to give parents choices for their children's education. The law is intended to:
    Improve student learning and achievement;
    Increase the availability of choice to parents and students when selecting a learning environment;
    Encourage the use of different and innovative learning methods;
    Establish a new system of accountability for schools;
    Make the school the unit for educational improvement;
  • Teacher Leadership Standards

    Teacher Leadership Standards
    Group that helps teachers learn to be the best they can be
    Our work envisions an education system in which teachers fill specialized leadership roles. Teachers in these positions can support and inform school leaders, creating a culture of success that can reverberate across their districts and beyond. Working with their colleagues, teacher leaders can implement strategies that improve student learning. Research shows that collective leadership has a stronger influence on student achi
  • Equity Lawsuits Involving poor Countries

    Equity Lawsuits Involving poor Countries
    Equality in public education. All children should be entitled to a public free education even if they come from a poor country and have little to no money.
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    it was first enacted in 1975
    gave children with disabilities the option of going to public school
    revised recently in December 2004, August 2006 and September 2011
    helps out younger students with more help in and out of the classroom
  • Charter Education (NJ)

    Charter Education (NJ)
    CEP character education program, 2006
    help teach the basic 6 pillars of character
  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act

    American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
    provides more than 90-billion dollars for education, nearly half of which goes to local school districts to prevent layoffs and for school modernization and repair. It includes the Race to the Top initiative, a 4.35-billion-dollar program designed to induce reform in K-12 education
  • Alternative Certification

    Alternative Certification
    program is a non-traditional teacher preparation program designed for those individuals who HAVE NOT completed a formal teacher preparation program at an accredited college or university, but wish to obtain the necessary training to become a NJ certified teacher.