
  • Lucy is born in NYC

    Lucy is born in NYC
  • Summer of the Dragonflie

    Summer of the Dragonflie
    Cahnging migration patterns, Dragonflies that were suppose to be in Cuba are in Miami
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    Lucy moves to Miami
  • Running out oil

    Running out oil
    Oil/Gas becomes more expensive.
  • Empty Gas

    Empty Gas
    Gas stations started running out of gas
  • Wake up call

    Wake up call
    Horrible storm
  • A New Normal

    A New Normal
    Long gas lines and high gas prices becmae normal
  • On the Brink

    On the Brink
    People are scared and are srealing and killing.
  • NY

    Her dad gets a job in New York
  • NY Eco

    NY Eco
    New York becomes eco friendly to the earth
  • Big Fixes

    Big Fixes
    People in ny build a floodgates to prevent flooding
  • Plan B

    Plan B
    Stop the ice sheets from melting
  • Bad Storm Surge

    Bad Storm Surge