Early years

Early Years

  • Birth of baby sister

    Birth of baby sister
    Today I had my second child a little girl named Faith. Ryan was very happy. For the first couple of months he was very helpful with his sister then he had issues with her. He was getting in trouble at school and at home. Picture is from google images.
  • First dog

    First dog
    Today we took the children down to the shelter to pick out our first family pet. They named the dog Max. I told the children that they will have to help with the dog. It will be up to them to feed and wwater the dog. Also take the dog on walks and give it baths. Picture from goolge images.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    Today was the first day of kindergraten for Ryan. He was very hsappy to be riding the school bus for the first time. I know he will do well in school. He can already read beining books. He can read and write his name. Image is from google images.
  • First hockey game

    First hockey game
    Today is Ryan first hockey game. He has lved sports since he was about 3 years old. He was good at throwing and catching a ball. His Dad showed him hockey and now he is in love with it. I am so exicted to watch him play his first game. picture is from google images.