Discovery of Electricity History

  • William Gilbert

    From the Greek, William Gilbert invented the term electricity.
  • Charles Francois du Fay

    Charles discovered that electricity has 2 forms. Later, Ben Franklin and Ebenezer Kinnersley changed the name of those forms to positive and negative.
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Benjamin initiated experimenting electricity in the world through static charges in the air.
  • Lightning: A form of electricity

    Benjamin uses a lightening rod to show that lightning is a type of electricity.
  • James Watt

    He measured the power applied by a horse drawing rubbish up an old mind shaft and found it amounted to almost 22,000 featuring-lbs per minute.
  • Alessandro Volta

    He created the first battery and shows that electricity can be transmitted or travel through wires.
  • #1 Energy Company

    The 1st energy company ever opens in the US.
  • Faraday

    Michael Faraday creates the 1st electric motor.
  • Motors for factories

    the first electric motors are made for factories.
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison designed many small electric stations and were developed in the US.
  • Nikola Tesla

    He believed in a world where poles and power lines do not exist. people called him "a genius."
  • Electricity: USA

    Most people in the US living in cities or urban areas and 10% of farms were supplied with electricity.
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

    The EPA was created for purposes of protecting our planet and make the world more green.