Digital Timeline

  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    The battle of bunker hill took place in 1775 and Joseph Warren commanded the colonists side. They made several advancements and the casualties were brutally killed. There were over 1000 dead as the british fled in retreat. Joseph Warren led the colonists and was killed on the battlefield.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    Battles of Lexington and Concord
    The battles of Lexington and Concord were important because they were the first event of the american revolution. During this, the british were chasing the opposers named Samuel Adams and Paul Revere. Paul Revere rode on horse through each town yelling to tell people the british were coming. In the battle of lexington and concord, 49 colonists were killed and the reasoning behind all of this was that the colonists wanted independence from the british.
  • Battle of Fort Ticonderoga

    Battle of Fort Ticonderoga
    On May 10th of 1775, Massachusetts attacked the sleeping British Garrison and fortunately gained control over the land. But in this, a militia called Green Mountain Boys of Vermont joined forces with them to achieve this victory. A man by the name of Ethan Allen led this militia and they helped secure the victory. During the victory, they had seized artillery that was later used to take back Boston.
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    George Washington led the colonist's march when he had to cross the Delaware. Delaware is a river that George Washington and his soldiers had to march across in order to get to mercenaries' land. On December 16th, George won a skirmish against a garrison of mercenaries. He then fell backwards and on January 3rd, he led a secret night raid that resulted in a huge success. This boosted morale of his soldiers because they had won over a large amount of New Jersey.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    The Battle of Saratoga was actually two battles that were fought. Both were fought in New York and the final victory was won by the American forces which were led by General George Washington. This caused the French to side with the American forces and this was the turning point because America pulled back from a major loss.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was significant because it was the battle that won independence for America. For 3 weeks, George Washington bombed Yorktown with everything piece of canon and artillery that eventually led to the surrender of British General Lord Charles Cornwallis. The French assisted George Washington in securing this victory against the British and finally the Treaty of Paris was signed.