
  • Joseph Stalin was born

  • HITLER WAS BORN!!!!!!!!!

    HITLER WAS BORN!!!!!!!!!
    in Braunau am Inn, in Austria, the son of Alois and Klara
  • Benito Mussonlini was BoRn!!!!!/!!

  • POW!!!!! Mao was born ;)

    POW!!!!! Mao was born ;)
  • Stalin joins R.S.D.P

    Stalin joins the Russian Social Democratic Party.
  • Mussolini starts the facist movement

    Benito Mussolini forms the Fascist Movement in Milan, Italy
  • Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi party

    at a gathering
  • Stalinnnnnnn comes to powaaa

  • Mussolini: head of the Italian government

    He led Italy into 3 successive wars, the last of which overturned his regime
  • Benito Mussolini came to power

  • Discrimination of Jews

    Pope Pius XI Signs Agreement With Mussolini to Discriminate Against Jews and Protestants
  • Famine and deaths under Stalin 1932-1933

    organized mass famines, killing about 5 millions people and peasansts. b/c of the demands of the state and him exporting so much grain, it led to starvation.
  • Nazi Party becomes biggest party

    The Nazis climbs to the top and becomes the biggest and most powerful party in the country
  • Hitler starts Concentrations Camps 1933-1945

    Concentration camps: A place where large numbers of political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities are imprisoned. NAzi Germany used these, and sent Jews to them
  • Hitler sworn in as Chancellor of Germany

    Hindenburg agreed to appoint Hitler as chancellor after two parliamentary elections
  • Hitler comes to power :(((((((

  • THe Great Terror

    Stalins name is crossed out on a secret ballot for the central committee, so he murders Kirov.
  • Stalin makes a pact with Hitler :o

    Soviet Union entered into a non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany, also divided the whole of eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence
  • Mussolini joins Nazi Germany's war

    joined Germanys war and Italy (also an ally) declares war on France and Britian
  • Hitler breaks the pact with Stalin

    broke the pact by implementing Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of Soviet held territories and the Soviet Union that began the war on the Eastern Front..
  • Attempt to assasinate Hitler

  • Mussolini falls out of power

  • Stalin's army wins!!!

    Hitlers Nazi army of 1.9 million was fighting Stalin's Red Army of 6.4 million and did not have the man power anymore and Stalin the Soviets won

  • Hitler commits suicide with his wife of two days, Eva Braun

    Hitler commits suicide with his wife of two days, Eva Braun
    manglo maniacs always commit suicide
  • Hitler fallls out of power ;D

  • MaO comes to powerr. holla

  • Sino-Soviet Treaty

    The Sino-Soviet treaty was signed. The Korean War started. Stalin provided military help to Kim II Sung's North Korean army.
  • Stalin falls out of powaaa

  • Stalin dies

  • Mao enforces the"Great Leap Forward"

    an effort to catch up with the econony, one of the worst catastrophe the world has ever seen, deaths: 45,000,000 (Mao qualifies to be the greatest mass murderer) - lasted for 4 years
  • Cultural Revlution (Mao) 1966-1976

    was a social-political movement that took place in the People's Republic of China, Mao set this event in motion. He did this to replace his designated successors with leaders more faithful to his current thinking
  • Mao diesss ! :) lolz

  • Mao falls out of power