DFA Negotiations

  • Pension in trouble

    The Gazette reports on the sorry state of Dal's faculty pensions. At this point negotiations between the DFA and administration have been going on since April, and the last contract ran out in June. Read Adam Faber's article here.
  • DFA calls for conciliator

    From the DFA press release:
    The Dalhousie Faculty Association (DFA) President Anthony Stewart said the DFA has called for the services of a conciliator to advance stalled negotiations with the Dalhousie University Board of Governors.“We have been at the table for more than 40 hours, and we have made almost no progress despite our best efforts,” said Stewart. Read Calum Agnew's article here.
  • First conciliation meeting

    The first of three conciliation meetings, where Dal admin, DFA representatives and the conciliator (John Greere) will spend the day working out a compromise.
  • Media blackout starts

    From this point on, the DFA and administration will not be speaking to the media.
  • Second conciliation meeting

    Another full day of discussion and negotiation.
  • Third conciliation meeting

    Last chance for each side to lay their cards on the table. After this point, Greere will make his report and give it to each side to accept or reject.
  • Accept/reject compromise

    By this point, Dal admin and the DFA will have accepted or rejected Greere's compromise. If they do, everyone's happy! If not, a strike vote may be called.