Devlopement of Liberalism Timeline

  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    One of the earliest documents in the development of the rule of law and the establishment of individual rights and freedoms. Document forced on King John by his subject to limit his powers. Man could only be punished fairly under the law of the land
    - influenced the United States constitution
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    Between the 14th and 16th century. The word "renaissance" means rebirth. A time of social, political and artistic change in European history. Human worth and dignity. People expressed their ideas and beliefs
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Haudensaunee Confederacy

    Haudensaunee Confederacy
    Great law of peace - an oral constitution with democratic principles that outlined the way to peace and harmony among the nations. The six principles of the great law of peace were
    The division of powers among various branches of government. Equal participation of its citizens. Establishment of rights and freedoms ( freedom of speech, religion and the rights of the individual).
    - influenced Benjamin Franklin and was a model for the United States constitution
  • Jan 1, 1517


    The restructuring of the church in Europe because it was felt that they had become corrupt and held too much power. Martin Luther led reform of church - The Protestant Reform. People were capable of making their own decisions based on reason.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    Also known as the Age of Reason. Great thinkers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean - Jacques Rousseau ideas of human nature. The idea of social contract - where we sacrifice individual freedoms in return for benefits such as good government and personal security.
  • Inudstrial Revolution

    Inudstrial Revolution
    People moved from farms to cities. Brought rapid change to manufacturing, agriculture, mining, technology ad transportation. Children in labor force because of cheaper labor. Machines took over jobs.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    American colonies broke away from the British Empire and declared themselves an independent country. On July 4, 1776 The Declaration of Independence was signed. This declared that the 13 states were free of British rule.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    took place between 1789 - 1799
    French government in financial trouble due to funding of the American revolution. People lived in poverty. Citizens took control away from the monarchs and created an individual way of life.
  • Changes to the Class System

    The term "class" started replacing hereditary classification. Social classes changed to class structure based on wealth. A middle class was formed - nouveau rich - newly rich.
  • Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy
    Athens is one of the first known democracies. The word democracy comes from the Greek word "demos kraits" which means the people's rule. Democracy in Ancient Greece was different in that only 12 percent of the population had the right to vote.