Development Of Theories- Gravity

  • 127


    127 AD Developed the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe and all other planets and the sun revolved aorund it.
  • 365


    He believed that there is no effect or motion without a cause. The cause of the downward motion of heavy bodies,was related to their nature, which caused them to move downward toward the center of the universe.
  • Newton

    Newton developed the Universal law of gravity, which said that, every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
  • Henry Cavendish

    First person to determine a value for the constant "G" in Newton's Universal Law of Gravity, which is 6.67x10^-11. He conducted an experiment to directly measure the gravitational attraction between objects.
  • Albert Einstein

    Einstein had proposed his Special Theory of Relativity, setting the maximum speed as that of light and gives the famous relationship between energy and matter. Einstein didn't believe gravity was a force at all; he said it was a distortion in the shape of space-time, otherwise known as "the fourth dimension"