Development of modern science

  • Period: 1214 to 1292

    Roger bacon's work helped lay the groundwork for modern science

  • Period: 1493 to 1541

    Paracelsus argued that disease have natural causes

  • 1543

    Vesalius published fabrica

    Vesalius published fabrica
  • 1543

    Nicolaus copernicus wrote that the eart is a planet and not the center of the universe

    Nicolaus copernicus wrote that the eart is a planet and not the center of the universe
  • Galileo galilei stated the law of the pendulum

    Galileo galilei stated the law of the pendulum
  • Microscope

  • Thermometer

  • William gilbert

    William gilbert
    Published his book about magnstism
  • Electroscope

  • Telescope

  • Johannes kepler

    Johannes kepler
    Formulated the laws of planetary motion
  • Slide rule

    Slide rule
  • William harvey

    William harvey
    Discribed blood circulation
  • Evangelista torricelli

    Evangelista torricelli
    Invented the barometer
  • Period: to

    Robert boyle

    Laid the foundaition for modern chemestry
  • Isaac newton

    Isaac newton
    Contructed a reflecting telescope
  • Bacteria

  • Edmond halley

    Edmond halley
    Used the telescope to chart stars
  • Isaac newton

    Isaac newton
    Published his laws of motion and universal gravitation
  • Gabriel Fahrenheit

    Gabriel Fahrenheit
    Invented the mercury thermometer
  • Chronometer

  • Carolus linneaus

    Carolus linneaus
    Establoshed the modern classification system
  • Anders Celsius

    Anders Celsius
    Invented the centigrade temperature scale
  • Henry cavendish

    Henry cavendish
    Discovered hydrogen
  • Pierre simon

    Pierre simon
    De laplaces work in celestial mechanics helped reveal the stability of solar system
  • Joseph priestley

    Joseph priestley
    Discovered oxygen
  • Torison balance

    Torison balance
  • Antoine lavoiser

    Antoine lavoiser
    Founded modern chemestry
  • Henry cavendish

    Henry cavendish
    Showed that water consists of hydrogen and oxygen
  • Charles de coulumb

    Charles de coulumb
    Stated law of electical attraction and repulsion
  • Edward jenner

    Edward jenner
    Discovered vaccination for the prevention of disease
  • John dalton

    John dalton
    Proposed the atomic theory of matter
  • Gyroscope

  • Stethoscope

  • Hans C.

    Hans C.
    Discovered electromagnetism
  • Thomas seebeck

    Thomas seebeck
    Discovered thermoelectricity
  • friedrich wohler

    friedrich wohler
  • michael faraday

    michael faraday
    and joseph henry discovered electromagnetic induction
  • jakob berzelius

    jakob berzelius
    propsed the present chymical symbol
  • friedrich bessel

    friedrich bessel
    made the firts authenticated measurement of distastance to a star
  • christian doppler

    christian doppler
    stated the doppler effect
  • herman helmotz

    herman helmotz
    helped establish the first law of thermodynamics
  • bunsen burner

    bunsen burner
  • rudolph clausius

    rudolph clausius
    stated the second law of thermodynamics
  • opthalmoscope

  • hypodermic syrigen

    hypodermic syrigen
  • luis pasteur

    luis pasteur
    first pasteurized milk to kill germs
  • greogor mendel

    greogor mendel
    stated his laws of heredity
  • dmitri mendeleev

    dmitri mendeleev
    developed the periodic table
  • james c. maxwell

    james c. maxwell
    predicated the existence of magnetic waves
  • heinrich hertz

    heinrich hertz
    showed the existence of electromagnetic waves
  • wilhem roentgen

    wilhem roentgen
    discovered X-Ray
  • max planck

    max planck
  • henri becqueler

    henri becqueler
  • albert einsten

    albert einsten
    stated the special theory of relativite
  • jj thomson

    jj thomson
    discovered electrons
  • ernest rutherford

    ernest rutherford
    founded nuclear science
  • electron microscope

    electron microscope
  • geiger counter

    geiger counter
  • niels bohr

    niels bohr
    applied the quatum
  • albert einsten

    albert einsten
    stated the general theory of relative
  • particle accelerator

    particle accelerator
    A particle accelerator is a machine that uses electromagnetic fields to propel charged particles to very high speeds and energies, and to contain them in well-defined beams
  • enrico fermi

    enrico fermi
  • digital computer

    digital computer
  • the space age began

  • laser

  • man first flew in space

    man first flew in space
    Yuri Gagarin was the first person to fly in space. His flight, on April 12, 1961, lasted 108 minutes as he circled the Earth for a little more than one orbit in the Soviet Union's Vostok spacecraft.
  • man first landed in the moon

    man first landed in the moon
    Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC.
  • first succesful laboratory in space

  • first reusable spacecraft launched

    first reusable spacecraft launched
    NASA's Columbia orbiter launches skyward on April 12, 1981 on NASA's first-ever shuttle flight, STS-1. Commanding the 54-hour mission was astronaut veteran John Young with then-rookie flyer Robert Crippen as pilot. NASA's space shuttle was the world's first reusable spacecraft
  • first use of gene therapy

  • humble space telescope

    humble space telescope
  • carbon nanotubes

    carbon nanotubes
  • 3D printing

    3D printing
  • bacterial genome

  • quantum computer

  • beggining of medical stem

  • gravitational waves