Delanie's Timeline

By sp4g1
  • Feb 4, 1500

    The Cherokee tribe

    The Cherokee tribe
    The Cherokee tribe hunt for deer bears and turkeys ,They even fished and trapped rabbits. They make there own dancing Masks, spoons, huts, food, weapons and a little town of Cherokee houses!
  • Apr 9, 1513

    Ponce de Leon

    Ponce de Leon
    In 1513 a man named Ponce de Leon had sailed to the Eastern shore of Present - Day in (Flordida). He though that it was Bimimi.He called it Florida.
  • Cherokee

    It was amizing when a Cherokee news paper was ritten in Cherokee and English!!!
  • Segwayah

    A man named Seguoyah. Amazingly l he came up with Cherakee language and he up Cherokee Alphabet!!!
  • Cherokee tribe

    Cherokee tribe
    The Cherokee's had to leave thir land .They went down The Trail of Tears. They went to Oklahoma. If Their horses died or cattle they had to eat them.
  • Civl war

    Civl war
    A man named Abraham Lincoln was running for President in 1860 , He had agreed with the Northrens.
  • Abraham Licoln

    Abraham  Licoln
    A well known man named Abraham Licoln was agenst Slavery!
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    A man named Abraham Licoln he had been running for priesident. In 1860 North Carolina seceded, or pulled out.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    A number of people of Charleston South Carolina were by the battle of at Fort Sumter April 12-14 1861, They were all ready to go to war.
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    A lot of people started to work for the Civil Rights. A very important leader of the Civil Rights. His name is Marten Luther King Jr. He was born in Atlanta Georgia. He spoke agenst slavery!
  • Martin Luther King jr.

    Martin Luther King jr.
    On Augst 28,1963, a man named Martin Luther king Jr. did a very good speech. it was one of his most famous ones!!!!!!!!!! He was on the steps of the Abrahan Licoln mumural when he gave his speech!
  • Rosa Parkes

    Rosa Parkes
    Rosa Parks December 1,1993 Rosa Parkesdidn't Get up for a white man. She got sent to jail for it. Rosa Became Famous for her act.