Img 1279

Deadly Tsunamis-Rachel Stevens

  • Earthquake Lisbon, Portugal

    Earthquake Lisbon, Portugal
    Year: 1755
    Location: Lisbon, Portugal
    Magnitude of earthquake: 9
    Death toll: 20,000
  • Krakatoa Volcano Collapse

    Krakatoa Volcano Collapse
    Year: 1883
    Location: Indonesia
    Magnitude: (not applicable)
    Death toll: More than 36,000 people
  • Earthquake in Aleutians

    Earthquake in Aleutians
    Year: 1946
    Location: Hawaii
    Magnitude of earthquake: 8.1
    Death toll: more than 160
  • Earthquake in Chile

    Earthquake in Chile
    Year: 1960
    Location: Chile
    Magnitude of earthquake: 9+
    Death toll: >61 people killed in Hawaii as a result
  • Alaskan Earthquake

    Alaskan Earthquake
    Location: Alaska
    Magnitude of earthquake: 8.3
    Death toll: 130 people killed in Alaska and Hawaii
  • Earthquake in the Sea of Japan

    Earthquake in the Sea of Japan
    Year: 1993
    Location: Sea of Japan
    Magnitude of earthquake: 7.8
    Death toll: Killed 120 people in Japan
  • Submarine Landslide triggered by earthquake in Papa New Guinea

    Submarine Landslide triggered by earthquake in Papa New Guinea
    Location: Papa New Guinea
    Magnitude: 7.1
    Death toll: >2,100 people
  • Earthquake in Samoa

    Earthquake in Samoa
    Location: Samoa
    Magnitude: 8.1
    Death toll: killed about 200 people
  • Earthquake in Chile

    Earthquake in Chile
    Year: 2010
    Location: Chile
    Magnitude: 8.8
    Death toll: Killed about 700 people in coastal towns
  • Earthquake in Japan

    Earthquake in Japan
    Location: Japan (Tohoku)
    Magnitude: 9.1
    Death toll: >20,000 people killed
  • Sumatran Earthquake

    Sumatran Earthquake
    Year: 2004
    Location: Indian Ocean
    Magnitude: 9.1+
    Death toll: >230,000 people