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Deadly Tsunamis- Keith Franklin II

  • Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake (Portugal)
    The magnitude was 9. Waves 7 meters high killed 20,000 people.
  • Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)

    Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
    The tsunami was 35 meters high, destroyed 165 villages, and killed 36,000 people.
  • Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
    The magnitude of the earthquake associated with the tsunami was 8.1, killing 160 people.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)

    Great Chilean Earthquake (Chile)
    The earthquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 9.5. The wave travled for 15 hours killing 61 people.
  • Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)

    Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
    The earthquake associted with the tsunamis magnitude was 9.2 killing 130 people.
  • Sea of Japan Earthquake (Japan)

    Sea of Japan Earthquake (Japan)
    The earthquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 7.8 killing 120 people.
  • Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)

    Papua New Guinea Quake (Papua New Guinea)
    The earthquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 7.1. The submarine landslide killed 2,100 people.
  • Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
    The earthquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 9.1 killing 230,000 people.
  • Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake (Samoan Islands)
    The eathquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 8.1 killing 200 people.
  • Chile Earthquake (Chile)

    Chile Earthquake (Chile)
    The magnitude of the earthquake associated with the tsunami was 8.8 killing 700 people.
  • Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)

    Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
    The earthquake associated with the tsunami magnitude was 9.1 killing over 20,000 people.