Gun control

Deadliest Mass Shootings

By jlkavel
  • Tasmania, Australia

    In 1996, Martin Bryant entered a café on a historic penal colony site at Port Arthur in Tasmania, Australia. After taking his lunch, the 28-year old pulled out a semi-automatic rifle from his bag and started a shooting spree. By the time he was arrested the following morning, he had killed 35 people and wounded 23 others. The event made Bryant the worst mass-murderer in Australian history.
  • Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

    In a 14-hour shooting rampage, Genildo Ferreira de Franca, a former army soldier, terrorized Sao Gancalo do Amarante, a small town in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. In a systematic way, he left 17 people dead over the course of this personal vendetta. After the police surrounded him, he released his own five-year-old daughter and Valdenice Ribeiro da Silva, and then killed himself.
  • Blacksburg, Virginia

    In April 2007, 23-year old Seung-Hui Cho murdered 32 people on the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University campus in Blacksburg, Virginia. He later took his own life, and the event lives in infamy as the “Virginia Tech Massacre”.
  • Olso, Norway

    A 2,000 pound fertilizer bomb was planted in a motor vehicle in the central area of Oslo, Norway. The bomb exploded, scattering debris, rocking Norway’s capital. It blew up government offices, killing 8 people and wounding a dozen others. Meanwhile, Anders Behring Breivik, who had planned the bombing of the city ahead of time, headed for Utova. A youth camp was being held and armed with an automatic rifle, he entered the grounds hosting the event and started shooting campers, killing 77 people.
  • Newtown, Connecticut

    On December 4, 2012, a gunman in Newtown, Connecticut opened fire and killed 27 people, with 20 of these victims being children aged between 5 and 10 years old. The shooting took place at an elementary school, and the gunman committed suicide shortly thereafter.
  • Orlando, Florida

    On June 12, 2016, a gunman gunned down 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, and is considered the deadliest mass shooting in the United States. During the attack, he swore allegiance to the ISIL although investigators have not directly linked him to ISIL.