Unknown 9

DC US History Letu Timelines 1980-2001

  • Ronald Reagan Becomes President of the United States

    Ronald Reagan Becomes President of the United States
    Previously a popular actor, Ronald Reagan won the election by a landslide and was consequently elected as the 40th President of the United States. While he was President, he sparked an immense movement in the political landscape at the time, attempting to revert the United States back to a more conservative model with conservative, traditional values.
  • Challenger Crash

    Challenger Crash
    A very unfortunate event, the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded during lift off, killing all of the astronauts on board. It was a very shocking moment in the history of space exploration and has lived in infamy to this day. (Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-O_DMyHdq_M)
  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    Initially created in the 1960's to keep Germans from East Germany escaping over to West Germany, the Berlin Wall was created. Much contention surrounded the wall and the tension seemed to peak when President Reagan gave his famous speech where he told President Mikhail Gorbachev of the Soviet Union to "Tear down this wall."
    (Link to Video: https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/watch-reagan-asks-gorbachev-to-tear-down-this-wall/2017/06/08/337df076-4c7b-11e7-987c-42ab5745db2e_video.html)
  • George H.W. Bush Becomes President of the United States

    George H.W. Bush Becomes President of the United States
    George H.W. Bush is elected into office as the 41st President of the United States of America.
  • The End of the Cold War

    The End of the Cold War
    At the Malta Summit with Gorbachev, George W.H. Bush declares that Cold War was over. Around two years later, the Soviet Union collapses and it becomes certain to everybody that the Cold War is no more. (Link to Video: https://danratherjournalist.org/ground/foreign-affairs/us-soviet-relations/compilation-1989-malta-summit-materials/video-1989-malta)
  • Bill Clinton Becomes the President of the United States

    Bill Clinton Becomes the President of the United States
    Bill Clinton is elected as the 42nd President of the United States. He is also known for being the second President of the United States of America to be impeached.

    NAFTA, or the North American Free Trade Agreement, allowed for Canada, Mexico, and the United States to trade freely.
  • The Loss of an Icon

    The Loss of an Icon
    Tragically the world lost an icon is music in the early 1990's. Kurt Cobain's band, Nirvana, was wildly popular in the late 1980's and the early 1990's. It seemed as though they were on top of the world during that time, until everything came crashing down when Kurt sadly took his own life.
  • George W. Bush Take After His Father

    George W. Bush Take After His Father
    Much like his father, George W. Bush was elected as the 43rd President of the United States of America.
  • September 11, 2001

    September 11, 2001
    A devastating and infamous day in American History, was September 11, 2001. On this day, multiple perpetrated attacks were carried out by Al-Qaeda on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Another plane was meant to target unknown location, but it never got the chance to because of the brave American souls aboard, sacrificing their own lives for the safety and peace of others. This day lives in infamy to this very day and has been a constant source of unity for all American people.