Curriculum Development

  • The Asylum for the Deaf

    Thomas Gallaudet traveled to Europe and brought back teaching methods for the deaf (Osgood, 2008).
  • Greater Optimism

    Laura Bridgman showed promise in teaching students with severe disabilities. (Osgood, 2008).
  • Itard's Socialization

    In the early 1800's, Itard believed that socialzation was the key to educating individuals with mental disabilities. "Socialization was the prerequisite for any education, as contact with other stimulated senses" (Danforth, Taff, Ferguson, 2006) Itard also believed that imitation played a big role in developing writing and reading skills, today we call this modeling.
  • Edouard Seguin's Physiological Education

    Seguin's "Physiological Education" curriculum included, muscular education, sense education, and moral treament (Danforth, Taff, and Ferguson, 2006). He also included imitation and community-based learning.
  • Social Reform

    Howe noted institutions as "links in the chain of common schools--the last indeed but still necessary in order to embrace all the children in the state" (Osgood, 2008).
  • First Special Education Classroom

    Providence, Rhode Island, founded the first Special Education Classroom.
  • Department of Special Education

    Shortly after 1900, the Department of Special Education was founded (Osgood, 2008)
  • More Special Education Classrooms

    There wee at least 133 school districts with Special Education classrooms by 1922 , but they were used primarily to help teachers in the general education classroom (Danforth, Taff, Ferguson, 2006).
  • Child Accounting

    The adjustment of Educational offerings to meet the needs of each individual child (Osgood, 2008)
  • Art Infusion

    A school in Detriot used the arts to supplement their academic classes and found that "a resonable paced academic study, complemented by artistic endeavors, found their school experiences to be much more tolerable and successful" (Osgood, 2008).
  • A new term

    A new term used to identify students who previously did not fall under other catagories. The term "learning disability" (Osgood, 2008) helped educators target specific needs of the students.
  • IDEA

    For most, "the single most influential event of this period" (Danforth, Taff, and Ferguson, 2006)
  • Full Implementation

    With IDEA coming into affect comletely in 1978, curriculum for students have been "undeniabl benefited by the implentation of the IEP" (Danforth, Taff, and Ferguson, 2006)
  • Mainstreaming

    Mainstreaming, using the least restrictive environement.