Cultural Literacy

  • Jun 8, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Document to create rules to stop king from taking advantage of his power
  • May 29, 1453

    Mehmed II takes Constantinople

    took 10 years for him to take control of Constantinople, Ottoman (Mehmed II got control)
  • Aug 10, 1492

    Columbus sailing across the Atlantic

    Columus sailed and found America
  • Landing of the Mayflower

    people coming to America from England in hopes of freedom
  • English Bill of Rights

    The rights for English citizens
  • Car invented

    first car with motor and engine
  • Declaration of Independence for the United States

    Laws of rights/freedoms for US citizens / indpendence being given to US
  • Radification of US Constitution

    editing constitution and adding other laws/liberties
  • Start of French Revolution

    crisis and problems caused fighting (war)
  • Napoleon declared Emperor

    In Paris, Napoleon was named the highest power
  • Napoleon defeated at Battle of Waterloo

    loses to Duke of Wellington, goes downhill from there
  • Period: to

    US civil war

    fighting between north and south of usa
  • Man's first powered flight (airplane)

    Wright brothers created first flying vehicle
  • Mexican Revolution

    war in Mexico that hurt the government
  • China: Republican Revolution

    fighting caused by uprisings
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    ruler killed which resulted in World War l
  • U.S. enters WW 1

    U.S. joins allies
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Lenin led fighting which ended up having him in charge
  • Armistice ww1

    President Wilson creates day to remember veterans
  • Germany invades Poland - WW2

    Hilter leads Germans to fighting and take over Poland
  • Pearl Harbor

    "a day that will live in infamy"
    Japanesse bomb Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
  • Germans surrender

    germans give up fighting at Stalingard
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

    1st bomb dropped by US during WW2
  • Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki

    2nd bomb US dropped during ww2
  • Japan surrenders

    on USS Missouri Japan gives up and ends war
  • Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech in Fulton, MO at Westminster College

    infamous speech given about iron curtain being descended
  • Berlin Aircraft

    When Russians closed Berlin travel ways to try and stop people from getting resources
  • Communist's takeover China

    convert China to communism
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    war involving south and north korea
  • Vietnam war begins

    US enters war in Vietnam
  • Berlin Wall constructed

    East Germans built the wall to not let the west go
  • Cubban Missle Crisis

    US and Soviet Union agrueing about nuclear-weapons in Cuba
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy shot most likely by Lee Harvey Oswald while in a Dallas parade
  • Tet offensive

    multiple attacks towards South Vietnam
  • Woodstock

    famous music festival
  • First man to walk the moon (US)

    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were first men to walk on moon representing the United States
  • Watergate Scandal

    burglars caught trying to steal and hide - associated with President Richard Nixon
  • Last Americans leave Vietnam

    ending the war involvement in Vietnam
  • Tiananmen Square Protest

    Troops in China went around arresting protesters
  • End of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela's Release

    he supported apartheid and when he got into a protest he got arrest - was released after 27 years
  • Re-Unification of Germany

    Germany coming together again
  • USSR ends

    Russia's communism is over