• 469 BCE


    Died in 399 BCE. Believed that philosophy should achieve preactical results for the greater well-being of society. He provided the development of ancient Greek philosophy which provided that foundation for the western philosophy, he pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness. Contributed to CTE by admitting to ignorance and that knowledge is to be accessed, only once we can accept that we don't know everything.
  • 428 BCE


    Died in 348 BCE. Classical Athens, was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the classical period in ancient Greece. Founding the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning on the European continent. Contributed to CTE by dedicating his life to learning and teaching and seen education as a means of attaining individual and collective justice.
  • 384 BCE

    Artistole 👫🏽 384-322 BC

    Greek philosopher and polymath during the classical period in ancient Greece. He also taught plato. Founder of the peripatetic school of philosophy. Wrote about subjects including zoology, ethics, psychology, economics, and more. Contributed to CTE through contributing to philosophy & science, inventing formal logic, he was also a teacher and founded a school in Athens.
  • Thomas Jefferson👫🏽

    Died in 1826. The third president of the United States. Was an American founding father, the principle author of the declaration of independence. Contributed to CTE by possessing a system of education be tax-funded for 3 years for "all the free children, male & female". He also felt that democracy cannot exist without enlightenment, without wise and honest officials.
  • Industrial Revolution Began 🗓

    There was a transition to a new manufacturing processes in Great Britain, continental Europe and the United States. With the three advancements of the steam engine, the age of science and mass production, and the rise of digital technology. This created an impact for CTE by as women were obtaining lower wages than men and had continued to be caretakers of the home, they worked all day and night to keep up a daily routine.
  • Publication of Rousseau's Émilie 🗓

    A formally written work on the nature of education and the nature of man written by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. This publication is considered to be the "best and most important" of all his writings.
    This publication contributed to career and technical education through explaining how the development of students character and moral sense was impacted. He also created political and ethical thinking in new and influential ways.
  • Horace Mann 👫🏽

    Died in 1859. A major force behind establishing unified school systems, worked to establish a varied curriculum that excluded sectarian instruction. Impacted CTE through promoting public education and felt as though local taxes should fund education, changing education by creating the Common School Movement.
  • John Swett 👫🏽

    Died in 1913. Considered to be the “Father of the California public school” system and the “Horace Mann of the Pacific”. Contributed to CTE by fighting for higher salaries and for state support of teachers.
  • Industrial Revolution Ended 🗓

    This created an impact for CTE by creating changes for women and their roles, it redfined the role of women in the home and created wage earning opportunities for them.
  • Ellen H. Richards👫🏽

    Died in 1911. Was a pioneer in sanitary engineering and a founder of home economics in the United States. The first women to be admitted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Impacted the CTE by being the founder of home economics movement, and the first to apply chemistry to the study of nutrition.
  • Booker T. Washington 👫🏽

    Died 1915.Born into slavery and rose to become a leading African American intellectual of the 19th century. Founding Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute; now called the Tuskegee University in 1991 and the National Negro Business League two decades later. Contributed to CTE through developing two forms of education adult and extension education, which addressed needs & delivered information to local farmers and helped fund efforts helping advance the civil rights efforts in U.S.
  • John Dewey 👫🏽

    Died in 1952. Was an American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer whose ideas have been influential in education and social reform. Founder of the philosophical movement known as pragmatism, a pioneer in functional psychology, and a leader of the progressive movement in education in the United States. Contributed to CTE through obtaining a theory of education, in which he felt that effective education is a process of living and not preparation for future living.
  • Alice P. Norton 👫🏽

    Died February 23, 1928. Organized the sanitary science club with the association of collegiate alumnae. Contributed to CTE through teaching classes on home and family life. She edited the "Journal of Home Economics" and focused her life educating and served as a chairman of the household economics committee of Illinois.
  • Morrill Act🏛️

    This act granted each state 30,000 acres of western land to be distributed by each senator and representative, and funded the construction of agricultural and mechanical school. Contributed to CTE by providing federal aid to higher education.
  • Martha Van Rensselaer👫🏽

    Died in 1932. Was a founding co-director of the College of Home Economics, leading to the establishment of the New York State College of Human Ecology in Ithaca, New York. She also served as an educator and proponent of the application of knowledge to improved quality of life in the home. Contributed to CTE by being the head of fledgling Department of Home Economics. She also lead authority on issues affecting women & families, and used mass media to disseminate her views.
  • Rufus Stimson👫🏽

    Died in 1947. He introduced a revolutionary idea to engage agriculture students in naturalistic inquiry opportunities outside of the traditional classroom and school setting. Contributed to CTE by believing that student learning required more than mere observation alone and had a major influence on the filed of agricultural education, he also held the belief that "preparation for practical farming.. is the principal aim of the college".
  • W.E.B. DuBois 👫🏽

    Died in 1963. Was the most important black protest leader in the United States. He shared in the created of the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP). He believed that capitalism was a primary cause of racism, was generally sympathetic to socialist causes throughout life. Was an ardent peace activist and advocated nuclear disarmament. Contributed to CTE by being a peace activist and fought for equality.
  • David Snedden 👫🏽

    Died in 1951. The most articulate advocate of social efficiency- a term popularized by Benjamin Kidd in Social Evolution (1894). Contributed to CTE by writing "Administration and Educational Work of American Juvenile Reforms Schools" in which he was able to model a potential improvement in the public school system. He also argued that production, as the ability to do, and consumption as the ability to appreciate were the two main components of adult life.
  • Charles A. Prosser 👫🏽

    Father of Vocational Education in the United States and the architect of the 1917 Smith-Huges Act. Mission in life was to help improve the education of American Children. Wrote Smith Hughes Act. Died in 1952. He helped contribute to CTE through teaching courses on skills and knowledge, and through being responsible for the fact that vocational education in the U.S. became the most successful in curricular innovation.
  • Hatch Act 🏛️

    Gave federal funds, with an initial amount of $15,000 each to state land-grant colleges to create agricultural experiment stations. This Act contributed to CTE through giving these land-grant colleges the ability to pass on new information in the areas of soil miners and plant growth- allowing for research and education in these agricultural topics.
  • Major Dennis Mobley👫🏽

    Had a large influence on the CTE as he organized Future Farmers of American 1928. He was an FFA adviser and served for the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE), he was known as being “for all people”, involved in vocational education legislation, fought for CTE when President Eisenhower eliminated funds, in 1986 he was a director of vocational education & supervised all areas of CTE,
  • Second Morrill Act 🏛️

    This act aimed former Confederate states. This act made it required that universities showed race not being a factor in the decision of admission. If these colleges were unable to show this, there would be a separate land-grant institution for people of color. It contributed to CTE by ensuring that racial discrimination was forbade in colleges who were receiving federal funds.
  • World War I Began 🗓

    Began after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Was also known as the great war. Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy and the United States were the majority who joined on the side of the Allies. Who were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, who together formed the Central Powers. WWI contributed to CTE through increasing the demand in CTE jobs through a need of technical skills being used for defense purposes.
  • Smith-Lever Act 🏛️

    This act created a system of cooperative extension services which connected to the land-grant universities in order to inform people about current developments in agriculture, home economics, public policy, leadership, economic development, and more. This act contributed to CTE through helping farmers learn new agricultural techniques by introducing an introduction of home introduction.
  • Smith-Hughes Act 🏛️

    This act was the first federal vocational legislation. It allowed for a better understanding and works of agricultural education, home economics, and industrial education in public high schools. It contributed to CTE by focusing on segregating a curriculum in Agriculture, homemaking, trade, and industrial apart academic studies.
  • World War I Ended 🗓

    After four years of combat, there was a total of 8.5 million deaths of soldiers. Thus, the Allies won World War I.
  • Womens Suffrage🗓

    When the 19th amendment to the constitution was ratified, giving women the right to vote throughout the United States. American women for the first time, were given the same rights and responsibilities of citizenship as men. The Women's Suffrage contributed to CTE through allowing women the right to vote, and giving women equality in all aspects of life in the American dream.
  • American Vocational Association Developed 🗓

    Is a professional association for scholars and others with research interests in the relationship between education & work. The purpose for AVERA is to stimulate research & development activities related to vocational education and facilitate dissemination of research findings & the diffusion of knowledge. AVERA contributed to CTE through creating an association for research, being the first to create a relationship between education and work, thus it was as the beginning of CTE.
  • George Reed Act 🏛️

    This act placed a focus on agriculture and home economics. It essentially removed home economics from the trade and the industrial sections all together from the Smith Hughes Act. This act contributed to CTE by focusing on agriculture with no function- with a five year term limit.
  • World War II Began 🗓

    Began due to Hitler’s invasion of Poland in September 1939 driving Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany.
    WWII contributed to CTE by further increasing technological jobs based upon the demand of women in the filed, whom were able to provide care as conductors and nurses.
  • George-Dean Act 🏛️

    This act gave $12 million for agriculture, home economics, and trade and industrial education. It also expanded occupations like the marketing program. Overall, it contributed to CTE through making a trend of vocational education more flexible as it included funding for supervisor travel.
  • World War II Ended 🗓

    The ending of WWII resulted in "Unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, the division of Germany and Berlin into four occupational zones controlled by the United States, Great Britain, France and the Soviet Union." (Europe, 2022).
  • George-Barden Act🏛️

    This act was a more flexible version of the George Deen act as it distributed the state boards of vocational education in four specific fields. It then allowed funds to be used for state director salary & expenses. It overall contributed to CTE by using its funds to create out of school youth programs and support travel associated with the FFA and the NFA, the funds would also be used to purchase equipment needed for vocational instruction, teacher training, guidance, and research.
  • Technological Revolution 🗓

    A phase of rapid scientific discovery, standardization, mass production, and industrialization from late 19th century into early 20th. The Technological Revolution made an impact on CTE through advancing technology, creating new meanings to the definition of "success", it gave the CTE the ability to further its purpose in helping students obtain skills for the workplace.
  • Civil Rights Movement Began 🗓

    Organized by Black Americans, with a goal to end racial discrimination and to gain equal rights under the law. This movement was led by Martin Luther King Jr, Malcom X, the Little Rock Nine, and others. This movement contributed to CTE through providing greater access to resources for women, banned racial discrimination, and led to greater social and economic mobility for African-Americans.
  • Sputnik 🗓

    Is the first artificial earth satellite. It was launched into an elliptical low earth orbit by the soviet union. Sputnik's impact on CTE lays its foundation on creating high-quality teaching and learning in science, mathematics, and foreign languages.
  • National Defense Education Act 🏛️

    This act was used to assist state and local school systems in the subjects of science, math, and foreign languages. It contributed to the CTE by allowing higher education students to receive student loans, fellowships that are used to study effectively in the usage of media & television for educational purposes.
  • Manpower Development and Training Act🏛️

    This act was named one of the first major federal job training programs created in which focused on training new and improved skills used for unemployed and underemployed people whom needed a job. It contributed to the CTE by focusing on skills needed to further employe people in need of a job. It was the beginning of training new skills to those job searching.
  • Vocational Education Act and Amendments 🏛️

    This act took over the place of all vocational education legislation- except the Smith Hughes Act. It increased funding in educational programs to make recommendations for major changes. It also made changes in the system expanding agriculture making it less limited to just farming. It contributed to CTE by increasing funding to $225 million- which introduced work study programs, reduced federal control, and promoted gender equity.
  • Civil Right’s Movement Ended 🗓

    The Civil Right's Movement ended, resulting in the establishment of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, helping enforce the law.
  • Comprehensive Employment and Training Act 🏛️

    This act is also called CETA. It is a training program that provides block grants on the state and local levels, and was designed to assist people that were unemployed, underemployed and/or considered economically disadvantaged. It contributed to the CTE through supporting youth summer employment and participated in public and private job training, it also allowed for governments to get less involved and businesses to get more involved in workforce development.
  • Job Training Partnership Act🏛️

    This act replaced the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act and established more programs for youth allowing them to expanded unskilled adult workers. It contributed to the CTE by provided trainings for homeless people, older workers, and dislocated workers, it was one of the largest federally funded training program and included work experience for youth ages 14-21 years old.
  • A Nation at Risk Report 🗓

    Created by the Reagan administration, described how America’s educational system was failing to education students. Recommending that schools become more rigorous, that they adopt new standards, and that teacher preparation & pay be evaluated. Contributes by through allowing the CTE to provide skills and knowledge to teachers that teach American schools who were getting failing test scores and further educating teachers based upon knowledge needed to be successful in schools.
  • Carl Perkins Vocational Education Act (Perkins 1)🏛️

    This act appropriated $950 million dollars in order to support vocational education for four years. It integrated academics into vocational education and required that state council on vocational education have a sense of establishment. It contributed to the CTE by allowing 57% of the $950 Mil. to be dedicated to special populations (handicapped, disadvantaged individuals) and expanded labor organizations, industries, and secondary education institutions.
  • New Directions Report (Ag Ed) 🗓

    This report responds to recognition among experts that our educational system needs to change in order to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to ensure the future vitality of U.S. agriculture. It contributes to CTE through providing the people with support needed in order to enhance their career readiness.
  • The Secretary’s Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) Report 🗓

    This report determined the skills our young people need to succeed in the world of work. The commissions purpose is to encourage a high-performance economy characterized by high-skill, high-wage employment. It contributed to CTE through its purpose of determining the skills young people need to be successful, in which the CTE then provides students with these skills, knowledge, and training.
  • Perkins Act (Perkins 2)🏛️

    This act reauthorized the Perkins I for five years, and allowed for an increased funding by $600 million. it concluded a new definition of vocational education through organized education programs offering a sequence of courses related to preparing individuals in paid or unpaid employment. It contributed to CTE by addressing the needs of special education populations focusing on adult workforce development.
  • School to Work Opportunities Act 🏛️

    This act provided money to states as grants and established an incentive in order to get states and localities to implement an education system preparing students to transition the "School to work" life and also provided training for post-secondary education. It contributed to CTE through promoting school-to-work programs and prepared youth for college, it focused on individual needs such as their abilities, goals, career choices & overall future goal interests.
  • Land-Grant to Tribal Colleges🏛️

    These colleges are located near or specifically on Indian Reservations and provided post-secondary education. It was founded in Tsaile, Arizone in 1969. It contributed to CTE through offering 2-4 year institutions and allowed students to graduate from the two-year tribal college, receiving junior status at a university- essentially allowed Tribal Natives a chance at success.
  • Educational Amendments (Title IX) 🏛️

    Title IX prohibits sexual discrimination through discrimination against pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity in any educational program and/or any activity that is receiving federal financial assistance.
  • Education Amendment Act (Perkins 3) 🏛️

    o This amendment created a fine definition of the meaning of vocational education, it received funding separate from tech-prep. This act focused on improving student achievement and prepared students for post-secondary education which led to further education and more opportunities for careers. It contributed to CTE by focusing on integrate vocational education, attaining high standards, it addressed individual needs and involved communities in the transition to secondary education.
  • American Vocational Association becomes Association of Career and Technical Education 🗓

    Contributed to CTE through expanding it's purpose. It became ACTE, and still provides opportunities for success for all our nation's students. The purpose of ACTE is to prepare youth and adults for careers, dedicated to advance education.
  • No Child Left Behind Act 🏛️

    Was aimed at improving public primary and secondary schools, where student performance increased accountability for schools, school districts, and states. It essentially was an act of congress that reauthorized the elementary and secondary act; it included title I provision applying to disadvantaged students. It contributed to CTE through the four pillars of NCLB being based on stronger accountability.
  • Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act (Perkins 5) 🏛️

    This act replaces vocational education with career and technical education as federal definition. This act also mandates that tech prep must be funded & measured apart from post-secondary programs. Local programs must meet a 90% target, and if not, it must implement a new improvement plan. It contributes to CTE though containing CTE content and must lead to an industry recognized credential and/or certificate.