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CSI Development - Over the Years

  • Photography

    Photography in Forensics or Crime Scene Investigation began around the time of the invention of the Camera Obscura. These still photography techniques were used not only to identify crinimals, but also to make documentation at a crime scene. Information Found At :
  • Toxicology

    Started by Swedish Chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele, Toxicology uses science to find posionious and harmful items inside corpses; Such as arsenious oxide, simple arsenic, and straight poisions. This was used to see if foul play or even suicide had been a part of the death. James Marsh was the first person to apply this knowledge to forensics. Information Found At :
  • Criminal Investigation - Evidance not Torture

    Criminal Investigation - Evidance not Torture
    In the 18th Century, Criminal Investigation became more "Evidance Based" and "Rational Procedure". Not to mention the use of tortue to force a confession were lessened if not completely taken away. Information Found At :
  • Bullet Comparison

    Bullet Comparison
    Henry Goaddard used this method to trace the flaw in a bullet, from killing a victime, back to the mold used in the manufacturing process. Find the bullet; Find the gun; Find the killer. Information Found At :
  • Fingerprints

    Sir William Herschel was the first person to bring up the idea of using finger printing in the identification of crinimal suspects. He began using this method in 1858. Howvever, it wasn't until 1905 the finger print method swept across the United States. Information Found At :
  • Body Temperature

    Body Temperature
    In 1863, body temperature was used to be able to establish a time of death for a person. Information Found At ;
  • Anthropometry

    French Police Officer, Alphonse Bertillon, first applied Anthropometry to Forensic or CSI techniques to create an Identifaction System; Using physical measurments rather than just names and photographs.
    He also created many other CSI techniques; Such as, "forensic document examination, the use of galvanoplastic compounds to preserve footprints, ballistics, and the dynamometer, used to determine the degree of force used in breaking and entering", and the mug shot. Information from same as all
  • Polygraph

    The Polygraph is a machine used by CSI and Forensics Teams to figure out if a suspect is "lying or not"; To see if an individual is guilty or not. It is the most human way to test this on indiviudals, very contridictory to methods used in Ancient Times. Surprisingly, we still use this device today. Information Found At ;
  • DNA Profiling

    DNA Profiling
    Alec Jeffreys began the use of DNA Profiling in Forensic Science. He figured out just how extensive DNA fingerprinting of individuals could be. Information Found At :