
Cosmic Times

  • Universe Age and Size

    Universe Age and Size
    .Age- Infinite
    Size-300,000 Light Years
  • Einstein

    Einstein's theory of relativity twice that the theory of Newton was proven correct by Professor Stanley Eddington.
  • Constant

    Einstein added the cosmological constant to solve the problem of the debate of the universe expanding or contracting.
  • Dr. Shapley

    Dr. Shapley
    Dr. Howard Shapley used the hooker telescope to find a common center of gravity for the clusters that were orbiting.
  • Solar Eclipse

    Solar Eclipse
    -Scientists needed a total solar eclipse to detect the bending of starlight becuase they needed to see the stars near the sun.
  • Period: to


  • Age

    -The Universe was 2 billion years old
    -The size was 280 Million Light Years
  • Dr. Hubble

    Dr. Hubble
    -Hubble took photos of spiral galaxies using the 100 inch hooker telescope, he settle the debate between Curtis and Shapley.
  • Three Facts

    Three Facts
    -Hubble discovered three types of galaxies, spiral, eliptical, and irregular.
    -Andromeda was proven to be outside the Milky Way.
    -The faster a nebula is from us the faster it is moving away. The Universe is always expanding.
  • Age

    -Age is 6 billion
    -Size is 4-8 Billion
  • Three Facts

    Three Facts
    -There are two types of supernovae, type 1 and type 2.
    -The Big Bang Theory and the Steady State Theory existed in the 50's
    - The difference between the two types are a difference in the elements of hydrogen.
  • Baade

    -Walter Baade deduced that there are two types of of cepheid stars and they have a different period-luminosity relationship.
  • Age

    -Age 10-15
    -Size 25 Billion Years
  • Three Facts

    Three Facts
    -Without Princeton University, Penzias and Wilson would not have gotten an answer.
    -At least three scientists have missed cosmic backround radiation within their data.
    -You can meaure the speed of stars by spliting the light into spectra, spectra contain linse that shift to the speeds of the stars.
  • Penzias and Wilson

    Penzias and Wilson
    -Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson's base research led to the discovery of radiation coming from a hot, dense ball of matter and energy that existed from the beginning of the universe,
  • Age

    -The universe's age was 12-20 Billion
    -The universe's size was 30 billion light years.
  • Extra Fact

    Extra Fact
    -Henrietta Leavitt's theory in 1912 was proven incorrect by the new "standard candles", scientists have discovered in 1993.
  • Three Facts

    Three Facts
    -We cannot see dark matter but we do react to the gravity it gives off.
    -The universe started off as a dense ball of energy, always expanding.
    -As the universe cooled and expanded, it produced quarks, electrons, protons and neutrons.
  • Age

    -The universe's age was 13.7 billion
    -The universe's size was 94 billion light years
  • Three Facts

    Three Facts
    -The composition of the universe is 73 percent dark energy, 4 percent atoms and 23 percent dark matter.
    -CMB=Cosmic Microwave Backround
    -Cosmic Microwave backround is the remaining light from the beginning of the universe seen today.
  • Mather

    -John C Mather is a NASA scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics for discovering more information about the cosmic microwave backround.