Contribution to the Cell Theory by Dimi Dimitrovski

  • Discovery

    first lenses used in europe
    combos of lenses gave better view
    first compound microscope invented
  • Robert Hooke

    Used light microscope to look at slices of plant tissue, or cork. Upon observation Hooke concluded that the cork looked empty, like monk's chambers, he called the tiny chambers cells.
  • Leeuwenhoek

    Leeuwenhoek uses miscroscope to study nature. He becomes the first man to view pond water organisms, and to see living microscopic organisms. He made careful sketches of his observations.
  • Matthias Schleiden

    German botanist, who stated that "all plants are made of cells", after observing that all the plants he studied were made of cells.
  • Theodore Schwann

    German zoologist who studied animals. All the animals he studied were cellular, so he concluded that "all animals re made of cells".
  • Rudolf Virchow

    German physician who studiedcell reproduction. He was one of the first to accept that the origin of cells was the division of preexisting cells so he concluded "where a cell exists, ther emust have been a preexisting cell".