Contemporary Management Theories

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    Henri Fayol

    Pioneer of the Administrative Doctrine that builds the paradigm of the administrative process and the functional areas. His main contributions to administrative theory were: the administrative process, the famous fourteen administrative principles and the six fundamental operations (Martínez, 2005, p. 70).
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    The Scientific Administration of Frederick Winslow Taylor

    Feeds on the proposals of two great figures of classical economics: Adan Smith and Charles Babbage; the first was a forger of economic science, which extolled the virtues of the division of labor (accelerating production and gaining time, increasing skills and improving the ability to innovate), presenting it as one of the most decisive and beneficial for the capital, and the last one was the thought of the reduction of the cost for the favorable sale of merchandise (Martínez, 2005, p. 69).
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    raises the principles of the division of labor and almost equal responsibility between members of management and workers, collaboration between management and workers, the scientific selection and preparation of the worker and the scientific study of work (Martínez, 2005, p. 70).
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    Max Weber

    There are three Weberian concepts that have most influenced administrative theory: the concept of bureaucracy, the classification of types of domination, and the characteristics of the bureaucratic model (Martínez, 2005, p. 70).
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    Max Weber

    He proposes, from the historical observation of social phenomena, the ideal type of organization: the bureaucracy (Martínez, 2005, p. 70).
    Weber parallel develops the ideal types of organization, conceptual models of social activities, ethics and domination; In this way, for him there are four types of social activities, two types of ethics and three types of domination (Martínez, 2005, p. 70).
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    Elton Mayo

    He is considered as the initiator of the School of Human Relations, which has its origin in the human factor (Martínez, 2005, p. 71).
  • The neoclassical paradigm

    The neoclassical paradigm emerges and brings with it complexity in growing organizations (Martínez, 2005, p. 71).
  • The general theory of systems

    The general theory of systems was adapted to the administration kast and kahn (Martínez, 2005, p. 71).
  • theory of rationality

    Herbert Simón developed the theory about decision making called Bounded Rationality (Martínez, 2005, p. 71).
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    In 1966 katz and kahn

    contribute that the organization is a system composed of a set of subsystems that have certain functions and where each one is in interaction with other subsystems. (Martínez, 2005, p. 71)
    According to Trévenett (1992), as cited in Martinez (2005, p. 75) in 1970 the company is also a social entity, for this reason, new responsibilities are assigned to its staff and its environment, while it becomes clearer that the daily life of companies has the complexity of social phenomena.
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    Administrative approaches arise and...

    ... the Management by Objectives and the development of the strategy, the decision making, the political approach, Japan and its philosophy of total quality and continuous improvement and the organizational Culture are mentioned (Martínez, 2005, p. 72).
    In 1962 Andrews develops the Strategic Planning model (Martínez, 2005, p. 71).
  • Topics such as Reengineering, Outsourcing, Benchmarking...

    ...and new trends on teleworking are discussed. Emphasis is placed on issues such as globalization, the cost reduction, competitiveness and stimulates the generation of airy value of an individual nature (Martínez, 2005, p. 72).
  • It is characterized by approaches

    that respond to changing and volatile conditions and characteristics of the environment: one was a technological revolution; an accelerated development of cybernetics, information technology and communication processes; intelligent organizations; electronic market and zero-time transactions; and the construction of the organizational fabric from the communication, information and learning (Martínez, 2005, p. 73).
  • In it is inserted in the human, social and organizational evolution with very different conditions at the beginning of the century XX

    There is a transformation of societies that is manifested in the new role of the nation-state: the appearance of regional currents claiming diverse identities, the influence of technology based on the development of new information and communication systems, the growing participation of services in developed economies, the strong environmental interest, among other transformations in the name of economic growth, employment and competitiveness (Martínez, 2005, p. 83).
  • New century

    It poses interesting challenges in the administrative and organizational field: review the prevailing mechanistic paradigm; resize the importance of scientificity, rationality, and productivity; reconsider the defense and recognition of the human being not only as an individual being, but as a collective being that determines the existence of the organization and, finally, propose theories, models, methods and tools that respond to specific space-time conditions (Martínez, 2005, p. 84).