Contemporary Educational Reforms

  • Period: to

    Ed Reforms

  • NCLB

    No Child Left Behind was a law put in place by President George Bush that held schools accountable for student achievement and penalized schools that did not show improvement.
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized Testing
    Standardized testing becomes rampant across the nation as schools feel the pressure to "teach to the test" so that they meet the expectations placed upon them by the NCLB policy.
  • IDEA Amended

    IDEA Amended
    The amendments to IDEA in 2004 helped to increase state and district accountability for students with disabilities. It also emphasized the importance of special education teachers being appropriately qualified.
  • Khan Academy founded on the Flipped Classroom

    Khan Academy founded on the Flipped Classroom
    Salman Khan, the biggest contributor to the flipped classroom, implements a strategy of video taping lessons to help reinforce student mastery, ultimately founding Khan Academy based on the flipped classroom model.
  • Common Core

    Common Core
    The Common Core State Standards was launched in an effort to create universal learning goals that will ensure all students are prepared for the real world upon high school graduation.
  • SBAC

    The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium is created to develop standards aligned tests in the form of online examinations.
  • PARCC awarded funds

    PARCC awarded funds
    The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers was given Race to the Top assessment money from the US Department of Education to help develop and produce K-12 assessments.
  • States review and adopt Common Core

    States review and adopt Common Core
    One by one states began to review the Common Core State Standards. Some states adopted and replaced their existing standards with Common Core.
  • LCFF

    The Local Control Funding Formula dramatically changed how educational agencies at the local level are funded. It ads state taxes to meet the set funding level when local taxes are not enough.
  • NGSS

    The Next Generation Science Standards created common standards for teaching science and hopes to encourage more students to pursue science and technology professions.
  • Florida stands up for state rights

    Florida stands up for state rights
    Florida pulled out of Common Core and PARCC saying that it was unconstitutional for the federal government to be involved in education, which is allocated as a state issue.
  • LCAP

    The Local Control Accountability Plan is a 3 year plan which sets goals and lists out all the resources that contribute to successful student outcomes. These needs are able to be addressed at the local level to ensure that particular student population's needs are being met.
  • ESSA

    The Every Student Succeeds Act was a law passed by President Barack Obama that replaced NCLB. It still held schools accountable for student learning and requires periodic standardized testing, but with a greater focus on equal opportunities for special education students.
  • California School Dashboard

    California School Dashboard
    The California School Dashboard is a website that rates schools and districts according to a variety of measures, not just standardized test scores. This helps parents make informed decisions regarding their child's education.
  • HR 2353

    HR 2353
    The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century act was a law passed by President Donald Trump that advanced CTE programs by allocating the Carl D. Perkins funds to CTE programs.
  • Aim Higher Act

    Aim Higher Act
    Introduced by Representative Bobby Scott, the Aim Higher Act hopes to amend the Higher Education Act to give teacher grants to help focus more on SEL training in teacher preparation programs.
  • SELF Act

    SELF Act
    The Social and Emotional Learning for Families Act was introduced by Representative Tim Ryan to teach parents, with the help of teachers, how to teach their children social and emotional skills.
  • Assembly Bill 2291

    Assembly Bill 2291
    This new bill requires local educational organizations to create a procedure to prevent bullying and cyber bullying. This may include training teachers and site employees on an annual basis.
  • AB 1747

    AB 1747
    The law, AB 1747, requires schools to have procedures in place to tactically respond to criminal incidents on campus and at school related functions. This can include but is not limited to a person with a gun, such as in an active shooter situation.
  • Distance Learning Regulations

    Distance Learning Regulations
    The US Department of Education set up regulations to more clearly define the requirements of distance education institutions. Higher education schools offering online classes have to show they are allowed to operate in all states where students receive federal financial assistance, have a clear refund policy, and make sure students are aware of their state's specific requirements for their chosen profession.