Constitutional Influences Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to

    Constitutonal Infuences Timeine

  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    This document protected the nobles privileges and authuority or control.And this document limited the power of the monarch by guranteeing that no one would e above the law .
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    When the pilgrams arrived to America 41 men signed a compact to follow laws and rules this was a plan for goverment.
  • Fundemental Orders of Connecticut

    America's first written constitution this was called for an assembly with elected representatives from each town to make laws. Pilgrams were being persecuited for religeous beliefs. They left Massachussets and went to Connecticut.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Parliament took away the throne from King James II. This proved that nobody had more power than the parliament and then his daughter and her husband came to the throne.
  • English Bill Of Rights

    This limited the power of the monarchs and gave free elections, the right of fair trial, and the elimination of cruel punishments.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    An english writer who argued that people had or were born with free, equal, and independent. He made the natural rights to life, liberty, and property that the goverment couldnot take away.
  • Baron de Montesquieu

    Baron de Montesquieu
    He developed the idea of dividing the goverment into branches so that every part would be equal and would not have to much power to destruct the society like the juduicial, legislative, and excutive branch we have in the US.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    French philosopher that wrote the social contract and argued that all people have a say and how they should be governed.