constitutional influeces

  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to


  • Jun 15, 1215

    magna carta

    magna carta
    its known as the great charter it is a document it protects the nobles privileges and authourity or control
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    it was a contract among a group of people they needed a leader
  • fundamental orders of connectiut

    fundamental orders of connectiut
    this is about the pilgrams being persucuted for religous beliefs devolped a writen constitution it has two names assembly of elected represenatives and popular election of a govern and judges
  • glorious revolution

    glorious revolution
    this is about our natural rights which just is life liberty and property
  • english bill of rights

    english bill of rights
    it was a document futher restricted monarchs power and there were free elections and fair trails and elimination of cruel and unusal punishments
  • john locke

    john locke
    he was a english writer that suported the glorius reolution and he argued the people were born free equal and independent
  • baron de monteqieu

    baron de monteqieu
    he was a french writer the devolped the idea about dividing the branches for equal power
  • jean-jacques rousseau

    jean-jacques rousseau
    he wrote the social contract he said man was born free yet everywhere he is found in chains