Constitution timeline

By juliusk
  • signing the declaration

    signing the declaration
    In 1776 the Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to write the Declaration of Independence. It gave America freedom from the British.

    The Revolutionary War ended in 1783. Britain is no longer fighting in America.
  • shays rebellon

    shays rebellon
    Shays rebellion took place in Massachusetts during 1786 and 1787 because the people thought that taxes were too high and could not afford to pay the higher taxes. This event helped the people realize they need a stronger government.
  • Constitution

    The Constitutional Convention first met to write the Constitution in May of 1787. They wanted a nation led by laws, not kings, based on citizens’ rights.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights was written by James Madison in 1789. It was ten amendments added to the Constitution after it was signed and gave us basic rights such as freedom of speech.