
  • 1st console

    1st console
    Magnavox odyssey is the first console ever made. The inventor name was Ralph H. Baer. The console was introduced in 1972. some of its major features were 64 bytes RAM, 1024 bytes ROM of memory and its graphics were 100x200 pixels, 16 colors (4-bit RGBI)
  • 2nd console

    2nd console
    Atari 2600 is the second console to ever be invented, it was introduced in 1977. Steve Mayer and Ron Milner are the two creators of the Atari 2600. some major features are Joystick paddles driving keypad Trak-Ball, which were the controls too play games. it also had a Television Interface Adaptor. the Atari 2600 had more features and a joystick while the old one didn't
  • 3rd console

    3rd console
    SG-1000. is the third console ever invented in 1983. the creator of the SG-1000 is Hayao Nakayama. the console was introduced in 1971. this console had 74 games, it also had better quality games. what mad this console better than the old consoles was
  • 4 console

    4 console
    Mega Drive/Genesis is the 4th console ever invented it was introduced in1988. the people who mad this console are Hideki Sato and Masami Ishikawa. some of the major features were Display. Progressive: 320x224 (NTSC) or 320x240 (PAL) pixel. another major feature was the controller they completely changed the controller which is very similar to our controllers now days. it had more storage than the last consoles.
  • xbox

    another console that is older is, the xbox. it was introduced in 2001. Microsoft Corporation are the inventors of the first xbox. the xbox was better than the past consoles because it had more games, way better graphics, and a better controller.
  • new gen console

    new gen console
    the new gen xbox is won of the best consoles today. the xbox x is better than the past xboxs because its in 4k some of its major features are the graphics some of the best graphics when it comes to console. its realse date was 2021. the developers is microsolft.