• 10,000 BCE

    the beginning

    the beginning
    In its beginnings communication was through sounds without much sense, but also through drawings
  • 3500 BCE

    start of writing

    start of writing
    The Egyptian civilization was one of the first to develop a script based on geography
  • 2700 BCE


    Formerly written on paper and even on the head of your most trusted slave, perhaps the oldest practice and it is still being done either in the form of email or the traditional way, writing a letter
  • 1436


    Its beginnings would be close to the time of Chinese civilization with woodcut. However, it is recognized as the father of the same to the German Juan Gutenberg who designed a faster and more convenient way to print. The press is, still today, one of the most important means of communication, since it can carry information to places very far away, where there is no electric power. The press became popular as more people learned to read and write.
  • Telegraph

    The American Samuel Morse used a code or language of dots and stripes, with which it was possible to transmit any message in code; It was called the Morse. Public acceptance was immediate. A telegraph line was built that covered the entire country, and in less than a year Europe also had this invention. The telegraph was the first of other means of communication that managed to bring places closer, however distant they were, and allowed information to be obtained in a very short time.
  • telephone

    Son of the telegraph, born from the efforts of Alejandro Graham Bell who built a device with which the human voice could be transmitted remotely, later Edison added a microphone
  • Radio

    Brother of the telephone, in its beginnings he could not transmit the human voice, he could only transmit sounds like his father the telegraph, although as a difference from them, radio was implemented as a means of recreation.
  • Television

    It did not have a good start and it is not because the public was not interested, rather when the tests began, the Second World War began, but in Mexico, since it was not in the conflict, the broadcasts began in 1946, although it was officially recognized in 1950 by reason for the report of President Miguel Aleman
  • email

    Ray Tomnilson designed a specific application for sending messages, SNDMSG (Send message), as well as an application dedicated to reading the latter, READMAIL. This application authorized the reading of messages to different users, but only from the same machine. Ray Tomlinson's idea was to add to these applications a protocol for sending and receiving files through the ARPANET network, CPYNET.
  • Social networks

    Social networks
    1997 is the year SixDegrees, the first site in the history of social media, was created. laid the foundations of what we know today as social networks.
    Mass acceptance of social media really started when MySpace was adquired in 2005 for $ 580 million. The purchase generated massive coverage from the traditional media. in addition to adding tools by popular request.