
  • Typewriter

    A brief hisrory of typeritersThe first functioning typeriter was invented by the Italian inventor Pellegrino Turri the idea was thought of long beffore but was never funcioning. This was the first mecanical writing machine that came befor the computer.
  • Computers

    It is a list of inferamtion about the first computersThe first mecanical computer was created. This proved that computers could be made and lead the way for more advanced computers.
  • Speakers

    Types of speakers The speaker was invented. this allowed for the ability to transfer sound.
  • Printer

    History of the computer printer The first dry printing process. allowed for the lasser jet printer
  • Satalities

    List of sicnce dicoveries the Russians launch the first satalite allowing for long range transfer of information.
  • laser

    A list of sicence advancements The first functional laser releasted allowing for the laser printer.
  • Internet

    A list of sicence advancements The internets predessesor's code was finished the formed the internet we have today after some changes.
  • Arcade Game is Published

    The history of AtariThe game Computer Space was published with out this we whouldn't have the games we have today.
  • Pong

    The history of Atarithe game pong came out it was the first game you could play at home.
  • Game Boy

    Netendo facts The first Game Boy was launched this lead to the DS and alot of Nintendo's wealth.
  • Ipod

    List of apple products The first ipod released a more compressted music device that lead to the creation of the ipod devices.
  • Xbox

    The Xbox relase this lead to the xbox 360
  • Game Boy SP

    A wiki page on the Game Boy Advanced The game Boy Advanced or SP came out the firdt back-lite screen that lead to the rest of the gaming systems.
  • Ipod Mini

    Apple product list The first ipod mini is off the shelf it lead to the ipod tuch.
  • Facebook

    information on facebook The launch of Facebook and the start of multimedia cites.
  • Xbox 360

    History of the Xbox conselThe new version of the Xbox released a great improvment to gaming lead to the great games that we play today.
  • Ipod Nano

    A list of Apple products the ipod nano was a small compact version of the ipod with less space but was more portable this lead tho the ipod suffle.
  • Ipod Shuffle

    A list of Apple products The ipod shuffle comes out and advances Apples power and wealthleading to more advancements in computers and the ipod series.
  • DS Lite

    A infermation page on the DS Lite The relase of the DS lite it advanced protable games.
  • Ipod Tuch

    A list of Apple products The first of the ipod tuches the first major tuch screen device of the Apple products and of the world other than the DS with a less powerful tuch screen that mostly required a styles.