technology 8

  • Train

    The first train was invented in 1804. It's inventor's name is Richard Trevithick.
  • Phone

    The first phone to ever be invented was made by an Italian innovator named Antonio Meucii. It was also made in 1849
  • Engine

    The first engine was made in 1876. It was made by George Brayton, Nikolas Auto, Gottlieb Daimler, and Wilhelm Maybach
  • Lightbulb

    The first lightbulb was invented in 1879. It was made by Thomas Alva Edison.
  • Car

    The first car was made in 1885. It was made in germany and was not engine powered.
  • Automatic Firearms

    The first automatic firearm was called the "Gatling Gun" and was man powered. It was made by Sir Hiram Maxim.
  • Plane

    In 1903 the Wright brothers made the first plane. They're names are Wilbur and Orville Wright.
  • Computer

    The first programmable computer was made in 1936. It was almost the size of the house and weighed in at 50 tons.
  • Computer Microchip

    Computers used to be huge and then a microchip was made which that allowed us to make computers smaller like way smaller. They were made in 1947 and was made by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain
  • Microchip

    The first microchip was made in 1959. This little device had revolutionized tracking and helped keep track of things like your pets, some people even put them in their kids.