Computer History 2000's

  • J-Phone J-SH04

    The J-Phone J-SH04 was the first phone with a camera on it. It was created by the Sharp Company in Japan.
  • Amazon Web Services Launches Cloud-Based Services

    In 2006 Jeff Bezos released the Amazon Web Services Launches Cloud-Based Services. It is used for memory and storage and paved the way for google drive and others
  • 1 TB hard disk drive

    In 2007 Hitachi released the first 1 TB hard disk drive. Because of this we can now have more storage for photos, videos, movies etc..
  • Iphone

    The very first Iphone was released by Apple. The iphone provided a sleek and portable computer phone for the consumer. Many people today still use the iphone everyday as it is one of the most popular phones in the world.
  • Macbook Air

    Apple released the Macbook air which is one of the lightest and thinnest laptops in the world. It had a large battery for such a portable laptop and has changed how laptops are made.